Sometimes the message is more important than anything else, and that was certainly the case with The Evolution. It was never a money-making scheme – in fact I ended up around £3,000 out of pocket – and it wasn’t ever going to be accepted by the mainstream publishing industry in the form it was eventually published in. These kinds of books are never accepted – they are underground but they do gain a cult following, which is definitely the case with The Evolution.
The Evolution has at least a dozen grammatical errors that jump out at me now. I never saw them at the time even after four-and-a-half years of writing, although I’m told 50 Shades of Grey is a million times worse! I’ve never read that book and I never will, but that was self-published and gained a cult following before some bright spark realised the potential for profit.
The Evolution also required at least another six months of writing and finalising, but I had to travel to India and had to rush through publication for January 2014. I was never happy with Part III of the book and never will be.
Ironically I met a fantastic gentleman named Rodger one day last year here in Bournemouth, one of those weird coincidence / synchronicity situations, which is a double irony since that was a main theme in the book. Why a double irony? Well it turned out Rodger was a retired editor and worked in UK journalism and the book industry his whole life, and I happily gave him a copy of my book. Within a week I received a near angry response from Rodger – he told me off for saying certain phrases, writing in certain ways; the book wasn’t edited properly and the cover was not acceptable… I smiled a lot. In fact I had a great couple of days. Why? Because Rodger saw the massive potential of The Evolution – he knew it was an excellent book that would sell. He told me to rewrite parts of it, re-edit it and push it through mainstream publishing. He even wrote me a first page draft himself and sent a potential new cover. Bless him! We had many meetings, but not necessarily about the book, we just gelled so well and sat in the coffee shop talking for hours. As much as I’d heard what he’d said, I had to break it to him that I am done with that project; that I’ve moved on from it and, despite needing to rewrite Part III, I never will go back to it. I had to stress I was more concerned about the follow-up to The Evolution – The Guru – which now has very little chance of being finalised for publication due to massive life upheavals.
I am still finding pieces of The Evolution coming true. The book is not just an adventure story but also full of premonition about where we are headed. The Evolution is about the evolution of humanity in this crucial stage, it is not about Darwin or any form of biological evolution – it is totally spiritual. Many of those elements are coming true still today. In Part III Kalden tells me about the increasing energies that would cause a massive increase in the suicide rate, but that those statistics would be hidden from the public. Here is that very situation coming true:
We do not hear about this in our western media. It’s the real reason “they” want outlets like RT shut down. Our western media are more concerned with promoting FEAR and increasing false propaganda against foreign countries to garner support for continuous weapons sales and relentless wars, than concerns about its own population, child poverty and sexual abuse, domestic violence, and many other issues. It protects those wealthy individuals who commit millions of pounds of fraud, but sends homeless people to prison for stealing food from shops. It protects the corporations from paying millions in taxes while telling us there is austerity, starving the NHS and other services of funds, and stealing the money from hard working people to fund those a the top. The Internet has helped expose the criminality and the outright lies of our governments, like the fraud to go to war against Iraq, to the point that they are now waging a war against truth, hidden behind what they call a fight against “fake news”. It is currently crushing free speech using false campaigns like “anti-semitism”. It is pushing through a dangerous trans-humanism agenda hidden behind a seemingly liberal trans-gender rights campaign. And it is also promoting a false future that microchips are a great idea and will help humanity by opening doors at work! Even Amazon – the most evil of all corporations – has created a shop where you just walk in and walk out with a basket full of goods. I am awake to these things; most are not; many are awaking by the day. For example, I never pay with my debit card and will always use cash. Why? Because they want a cashless society; they want us all microchipped and they want us all controlled by AI robots under the trans-human agenda being pushed on us with new 5G technology. If you think I am being paranoid then start doing your research before they shut these avenues down under the guise of ‘fake news’. This is happening all around us at a frighteningly rapid speed. If you think I am being paranoid but you are sitting at home with an Amazon Alexa, then you are a hypocrite of the highest order. That device is recording everything you say and it is being stored, just like our Internet use. It’s time to wake up and stop accepting these dangerous technologies. The fight against free speech and so-called fake news, and the introduction of these technologies is not a coincidence.
In The Evolution we are given a choice between the two – the good future or the bad future – and it’s up to us which we choose. But if we don’t wake up now we – our own grandchildren – are heading for extremely dark days.
The message from The Evolution is more important now than ever before. That is why – among other reasons – I am giving all remaining copies away for free. “Other reasons” will follow in another message!
Free* copies of The Evolution means free copies of The Evolution!
However, you will have to pay for postage unless you live close enough to me to collect one in person!
If you are interested please contact me through the contact page of my website, or send a message via any one of the platforms on my website (Twitter, Facebook).
Dubbed the best archaeological discovery in Greece during the last 50 years, the Mycenaean grave of the “Griffin Warrior” has produced one of the most incredible feats of artistry ever seen. In fact, this kind of detail was only previously considered to exist from the time of Classical Greece, 1,000 years after the Griffin Warrior was buried with his grave goods.
But more astonishing is this:
“Even more extraordinary, the husband-and-wife team point out, is that the meticulously carved combat scene was painstakingly etched on a piece of hard stone measuring just 3.6 centimetres, or just over 1.4 inches, in length. Indeed, many of the seal’s details, such as the intricate weaponry ornamentation and jewellery decoration, become clear only when viewed with a powerful camera lens and photomicroscopy.”
One has to take a step back to try and conceive that notion, especially when one considers the Griffin Warrior died 250 years before the Trojan War.
Strangely, the article then goes on to say this:
“Scholarly consensus has long theorized that mainlander Mycenaeans simply imported or robbed such riches from the affluent Minoan civilization on the large island of Crete.”
Well that’s not the history I am familiar with. As far as I know the Minoans and the Mycenaeans were very closely related, not only by trade but by DNA. It’s even likely that the surviving Minoans (after the Thera eruption) landed on mainland Greece and highly influenced the Mycenaean culture in many more ways than scholars think. In other words, many of them may be one and the same.
Ironically the date given to the Griffin Warrior’s burial is very similar to that of the burial Heinrich Schliemann uncovered at Mycenae itself. Although Schliemann thought he had uncovered the grave of Agamemnon, the lavish grave goods were later found to date from around 300 years earlier, placing it almost exactly at the time of the Griffin Warrior – 1500 BC. The priceless gold artefacts uncovered by Schliemann are some of the most intricate and beautiful ever seen, which could imply this level of artistry was perfectly normal for 1500 BC, a concept that means archaeology needs to rewrite its own history.
Gobekli Tepe, so far the oldest site ever found on planet earth and dating to 9600 BC, completely destroys every single theory regarding the hunter-gatherer element of human evolution. That theory, however, was in my eyes already the most badly put together idea based on loose and often ridiculous ideas of simplicity.
Prior to Gobekli Tepe we were led to believe we walked out of the fields and built the pyramids – the most complex mathematical structures on planet earth, and the most difficult to engineer – as if somehow growing wheat gave us the answers to the secrets of geometry. The pyramids were already a clue to earlier, lost ingenuity on the part of our ancestors. At least Gobekli Tepe shows us human beings were building complex structures more than 7,000 years earlier than the pyramids, and which also coincides with the likely age of the Sphinx.
So now the prevailing hunter-gatherer theory is all over the place, broken into many pieces with most mainstream archaeologists scratching their heads and rummaging around for any clue that will bring a definitive statement. But it won’t. The human evolution story in the last ten thousand years is far more complex than a neatly packaged idea based on a few finds. We are now discovering more and more sites that go way beyond ancient Egypt and push the dates of human society and knowledge of astronomy and mathematics back threefold at the very least.
The presumed smooth transition of humans evolving from one phase to another is a joke, to the point that we almost have to question the intelligence of some mainstream archaeologists. And there is so much more than just the dates…
Staying with Peru, until very recently archaeologists and scholars thought that the Amazon jungle was the home of tribes who lived in small huts and hunted prey with spears. They also thought that they had not evolved at all, and were still living the same life as they were thousands of years ago, the typical annoying stereotype that is still held about jungle tribes. But the arrogance, stupidity and limited thinking of the so-called experts is exposed once again. It is the expansive thinkers who work outside of the mainstream that are bringing about a new wave of understanding, but that’s another discussion for another day.
Very recently in Brazil and Peru, due to massive deforestation, huge mounds and structures that date back thousands of years are being uncovered. and we know very little about them. In fact, findings from Brazil are suggesting human beings were present there a very long time ago, one of the many pieces of evidence that has destroyed the current American migration theory. Again, that’s another discussion for another day.
Here in northern Peru, just outside the town of Jaen, stands a 60-foot tall (+/-) mound that covers two acres.
After uncovering a layer of relatively modern ceramics, it was soon apparent that a giant structure lay underneath, and soon an entire complex was uncovered. The date given to the site has been cautiously placed at 3,000 years, around 1000 BC, but it could well be much older.
And there I shall leave the rest of the information to the reader, for this 4-page article will astound all…
Having travelled to many continents and seen first hand the ancient structures of many different cultures, I can say without hesitation the Moche culture is one of the most fascinating, bizarre, unusual and obscure. Despite the discoveries of many artefacts and two of the best pyramids ever built on planet earth, including the largest adobe brick structure ever built, the Moche remain a mystical culture that is still largely misunderstood, and therein lies its attraction. For that reason we want to make sure we don’t discover all of their secrets!
This four-page article offers an insight into their murals, that more often than not show aggressive barbarity unrivalled by most other cultures. In other articles I have written I have categorically stated that without doubt the Pyramid of the Moon (Huaca de la Luna), outside the city of Trujillo, is probably the ‘darkest’ ancient site I have ever visited. And I’m not referring to the lack of daylight. If you go to Peru and miss the cultures on the north-west coast then you have been to Egypt and missed the pyramids.
An infamous text which was written on stone in the Luwian language, and which only 20 scholars today can read the extinct language, has been considered by some to be a modern forgery.
The reason for the forgery idea is based on the fact that no evidence of the original exists because the stones were used to build a mosque in the 19th Century. Because the only copied texts existed on the estate of deceased archaeologist James Mellaart, the man who discovered Çatalhöyük, himself a very controversial figure, is the reason for the suspicion. However, many of those involved point out that Mellaart is not one of those that can decipher Luwian, let alone write a complex and lengthy script.
It seems to me there’s enough evidence to conclude an original piece, because you’d have to ask the question – who forged the script and why? And why wasn’t it released to the public? There seems little point in creating a forgery without releasing it to the public since the main reason for creating forgeries in the first place is for fame and / or money.
Either way, this story does read like an Indian Jones script. What do you think?
Of course this surprises me little.
There are many more discoveries like this, most of which are brushed under the carpet or dismissed by the peer review process, which can only be described as a deliberate attempt to falsify history to maintain the Darwin model of evolution.
Recently new tooth findings in Germany showed humans were lurking around millions of years ago, but that story was pretty much ignored in favour of another one where human bones were found in Morocco dating to two million years ago, pushing back the date of the out-of-Africa theory by a stretch. Of course, the timing of the Morocco discovery came rather quickly after the German one, which is a deliberate attempt at the obvious.
I am more than pleased to find some good, decent scientists are going against the grain and ignoring the deliberate attempts to fool us into believing we all originated in Africa, not to mention the extremely pathetic attempt to brainwash us Brits into believing we were all black with that fake story of the Cheddar Man. That was nothing more than an attempt to make us all accept the mass immigration that is occurring on an epic scale, which will mean without question that the UK population will no longer be predominantly white in the next two generations – “It’s okay, we were all black once!”
Now, do not accuse me of racism because if you knew me you would know I am the last person who would be. It is not even a race issue, it is the fact people are becoming tired of the lies about our history and if you are following my posts you will understand fully what is going on. Thankfully many are waking up and realising.
A DNA study charting the rise of ancient Greeks to their modern descendants shows clearly the relation between the latter and their Mycenaean forefathers (and mothers!). Most modern Greeks are directly – and strongly – related to both the Mycenaeans and the Minoans. Further back in time we see the Minoans were related to a migration from near modern day Iran and the pre-Mycenaeans related to a migration from the north and east.
The inetresting statement, however, is this:
“The ancient Mycenaeans and Minoans were most closely related to each other, and they both got three-quarters of their DNA from early farmers who lived in Greece and southwestern Anatolia, which is now part of Turkey, the team reports today in Nature. Both cultures additionally inherited DNA from people from the eastern Caucasus, near modern-day Iran, suggesting an early migration of people from the east after the early farmers settled there but before Mycenaeans split from Minoans.”
The reason this is so important relates to intense research I have carried out into the origins of the cults of Leto, Apollo, and Artemis, but especially the latter. There is a split between researchers as to whether these gods were Greek or whether they were an import from elsewhere. I am personally of the opinion these gods were imported from Anatolia and originated with the Lycian culture.
As the article states the height of the Mycenaean culture was 1600 to 1200 BC, and during this time (1250 BC +/-) we have the Trojan War. One of the most profound elements of the story relates to the Mycenaean king Agamemnon, who must sacrifice his own daughter – Iphigenia – to appease the goddess Artemis, who is on the side of the Trojans. Ironically I’ve been working on a paper for the last two months regarding Brauron and the cult of Iphigenia, and the festival of Brauronia at the site. It relates directly to the Trojan War story of Artemis and Iphigenia. One of the pieces of evidence I have pointed towards, to prove Anatolian origins, is the fact that Artemis was on the side of the Trojans. Although this piece of “evidence” could be considered extremely loose, the indication is also rather subtle.
What we have in this report, however, is a direct ancestral link between the Greeks and Anatolians. It is normally considered that the Greeks invaded Anatolia and settled there. What we now see is that this was in fact the other way around – the Greeks are descendants of people from the east through Crete and Anatolia, thus providing more solid evidence that Artemis, her brother Apollo, and their mother Leto, do indeed originate in Anatolia and were imported by the Greeks into their Titans. The subtlety of the idea that Artemis is on the side of the Trojans becomes more apparent.
I know these ideas may seem rather obscure and lacking in anything that resembles proof, but when you’ve been researching the origins of the cult of Artemis for four years it makes total sense! In other words, all will be revealed soon in far more detail when I finally finish the piece of work on Brauron! In the meantime there is some minor research from 2015 here: Letoon and Perga.
First of all I’d like to punch squarely on the face those that make comparisons with Stonehenge. How many more times do we have to see this ridiculous and continuous comparison, and how many more times do I have to start my reports with such complaints? Every site that is discovered is labelled as that particular country’s “Stonehenge”. It’s nothing more than media hype, but it also clouds sensible judgement and it’s good to see some scholars are finally getting annoyed with the connotations.
The majority of this article argues not only the comparison with Britain’s stunning monument but also the name of the site, which just goes to show some people have better things to do than actually being concerned with the implications of the discovery. Despite the site being known about for many years it may be extremely old in comparison with many other megalithic sites of a similar style (places like Carnac or Avebury, but not Stonehenge, which only shows how stupid the comparison actually is). The date of 5500 BC is quite astounding, and with some scholars agreeing with that date we do have to take a serious look at this place, for it would pre-date the huge site of Avebury by 2,500 years. That places the Armenian site in the mesolithic, not the neolithic. The reason I myself make a comparison is because Avebury can be considered a benchmark in megalithic building – it’s the largest stone circle in the world and a thousand years older than, dare I say it, Stonehenge. However, we do have the same problem with all megalithic sites – you cannot date stone, and this means dates are produced from two methods, both of which are flawed. First of all dates are concluded after testing carbon-based materials found in or around the megalithic sites, and secondly if there are no items to carbon test then it’s simply a case of a best guess based on traditional dates for similar sites. Scientifically speaking you wouldn’t want to stand in court and suggest any evidence “beyond reasonable doubt” in either of those cases. What we are left with is a climate of preconceived ideas based on what’s possible and what is not, and anything outside of the perceived possibility is ridiculed and dismissed by the peer-review process. Archaeology, in that sense, is not a science, it is a controlled discipline with people keeping newly trained professionals within a framework that they dare not step outside of. What is happening now, however, is that sites are being discovered all over the world that are finally blasting out of the stratosphere those dates which have been applied to sites using the methods listed above. One only has to look at Gobekli Tepe to understand the massive paradigm shift that is occurring in the archaeological world.
I don’t know about you but this site looks pretty old to me. I would certainly head towards the older date of 5500 BC than than the younger date of 2000 BC. What do you think?
For the first time in its history the theatre at ancient Perga will be restored. Dating to the 2nd Century, the theatre has been locked up and hidden from tourists for many years, much to my disappointment when I visited Perga in 2015. Only the back of the stage which faces the modern entrance road and the stadium can be seen. One doesn’t even get a glimpse of the interior because high fences block any views.
Perga (Perge) is a massive ancient city, one of the biggest I have ever seen, and is also one of the oldest in Anatolia, at least from the perspective of occupation – the acropolis was used thousands of years ago, although no on is exactly sure when the area was first occupied. In later years the city was dedicated to Artemis, without doubt an ancient Lycian deity adopted by the Greeks, but the temple of Artemis has never been found. There are decades of excavations still to be carried out at Perga, and the restoration of the theatre is long overdue.