I haven’t posted anything about Egypt for a while as there hasn’t been much news, but I was supposed to report on these findings when they were released at the end of May.
The results of this DNA study of ancient Egyptians are stunning. Previous studies carried out were quite clear that ancient Egyptians were most closely related to modern-day Egyptians, which may not have been much of a surprise, and it was certainly a slap in the face to many black Africans. I say that as I had many arguments over this issue online with several Africans, who were using the facial profile of the Sphinx as evidence that black Africans were responsible for building the pyramids and also ancient Egypt itself, since the Sphinx does appear to have a black African female facial profile. My argument was clear – many wall paintings show people with different skin tones, including pink (white), brown and black, but the predominant colour was a lighter shade of brown, suggesting the majority population was of this colour. In fact, most of the depictions shown of black Africans in ancient Egyptian walls suggests they were slaves. It is known that Egyptian slavery of black Africans started around 1300 BC, and these were brought down the Nile from further inland, towards Nubia.
This is a very sensitive subject, as many black Africans have used the race card against DNA evidence in the past, and have dismissed the findings as western culture trying to whitewash African history. The reality of the matter is science is just trying to find the truth, and with new evidence suggesting the “out of Africa” theory of human beings to be wrong, there’s an interesting aspect to this new data. On the contrary, I have no doubt that on many occasions western culture has tried to whitewash many elements of ancient history, but that’s not the case here.
New DNA evidence now puts a whole new perspective on this issue. The DNA gathered from ancient Egyptians dating from 1400 BC to 400 AD shows that they were from the Near East. That is, places like Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, and so on. This data proves the wall paintings I previously mentioned were accurate depictions of the people living in Egypt during that time period, but what does it mean for the Sphinx argument?
Well, it firstly suggests the ancient Egyptians of the dynastic period were immigrants; that they were not native to the area. Secondly, modern-day Egyptians have more African DNA than their ancestors. These pieces of data add another element to the argument – the area we know today as ancient Egypt may well have been uninhabited at some point and that all Egyptians, modern or ancient, were immigrants.
I am convinced that the Sphinx at least is an older structure than the date applied to it. There is more than enough geological evidence to destroy the accepted dating of the Sphinx and its temple. So, if the ancient Egyptians were immigrants, we still have to go back further in time to find out the creators of the Sphinx. The second piece of geological evidence regarding the Sphinx is that the head was clearly reshaped, and it is the African profile that appears on it today. So let’s assume there was a population of black Africans who inhabited that place and reshaped the head. And then we have to go back even further in time to discover the true makers of the Sphinx. Who were they?
The fact that ancient Egyptian DNA is further away from sub-Saharan Africa than modern Egyptian populations gives one a headache and creates a much larger dilemma. Instead of having two different populations involved in Egypt through the ages, we now appear to have three. I say different populations but there is continuity – at least the ancient Egyptians and their modern counterpart are related in some form, but the fact modern Egyptians are more related to sub-Saharan Africans suggests the ancient Egyptians migrated into Egypt and then migrated out of it, to an extent. It’s clear after the conquest of Egypt by Rome that more Africans moved into the Egyptian area, thus providing the modern gene pool with African DNA, and post Rome there was an exodus of people back to their native lands, leaving the then decaying ancient culture to its own demise.
The issue of DNA regarding ancient and modern populations is one aspect of this argument. For me, the most important question is who built the Sphinx? Was it sub-Saharan Africans or another set of people? My bet is we are looking at another set of people. There is a logical reason for this: Firstly, sub-Saharan Africans did not migrate north, as far as we know, into the Sahara region that far back into history (I refer to a population settling in the area, not the wider migration of human beings into the Near East and ‘passing through’). Since the region where the Sphinx is located was in a wetter climate and the Sphinx clearly has had water weathering, we are probably looking at a more ancient set of people that are completely unknown to modern scholars. There is clear evidence that some of the pyramids were built over older structures, and these structures extend far back into antiquity. More and more evidence is coming to light of a great catastrophe at the end of the ice age, and we have to take into consideration Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, near the Syrian border. Most likely the people who built Gobekli Tepe were, in some way, connected to the builders of the Sphinx. Both of these structures point towards a certain date in time, and that date has to be similar. Gobekli Tepe is around 12,000 years old, and we have to see the Sphinx as being of a similar age. That’s the reason the builders of pre-dynastic Egypt were likely the same as those who built Gobekli Tepe.
With regards to sub-Saharan Africans this is a delicate subject. It is not about race or racism. The facts are very clear, and this new DNA evidence clearly shows the ancient Egyptians, going all the way back to 1300 BC at least, were indeed from the Near East and not sub-Saharan Africa.
But now we have an incredible new dilemma – if the ancient Egyptians were from the Near East, then why does the Sphinx show a sub-Saharan African facial profile?

Delos is a very special place, for it is there the twin gods Artemis and Apollo were born from their mother, Leto. I have carried out a considerable amount of research into the cult of Leto, mostly related to the city of Xanthos and its nearby religious sanctuary, Letoon (named after Leto), both based in Turkey. It was at Letoon where Leto turned the shepherds into frogs, when they stirred the waters of the spring there and made the water undrinkable for her thirsty twin children, since the shepherds had taken sides with Hera, the wife of Zeus. I have concluded that the cult of Leto most likely originated with the Lycian culture and was, therefore, not a Greek import. This implies that at least some of the Greek gods may not have been Greek at all.
Here is a sentence from the article:
“”The finds confirm that Delos was an important trading base and an important maritime trade route through the ages, linking the east and west Mediterranean,” a ministry announcement said.”
I wonder who these people are? What stupidity do we have in charge of our antiquities, or do journalists just make these lines up? Although the sentence says the finds ‘confirm’, it’s been known ever since Delos was in use as a cult centre more than 3,000 years ago – the knowledge of its importance and its use has not ever once been UNknown – that continuity has remained since its heyday. I honestly wonder why they come out with such idiotic sentences. I guess they have nothing else to say. I can imagine the internal meeting. It goes something like this:
“The press want us to say something about the new finds.”
“We have just found some more artefacts. The same kind of artefacts we’ve been finding for decades. It changes nothing.”
“Well, we need to say something…”
“Then tell them, “The finds confirm that Delos was an important trading base and an important maritime trade route through the ages, linking the east and west Mediterranean.””
“That sounds good!”
We don’t need this article to confirm that Delos was one of the most important locations in the ancient Greek world, both for trade routes and religion. Not only was the cult of Apollo and Artemis prominent here, but it was also home to one of the oracles. Of the three major oracles of the ancient world, Delos was second only to that of Delphi, but many have argued that Delos was actually the primary centre of the oracle. That alone tells us everything we need to know about the importance of Delos – people were flowing in and out of this island in their tens of thousands every year, no different to tourists visiting London today. And when you have that many tourists flocking to an island, you need a large amount of food to feed them and a large amount of trade goods to sell to them.

Germany / The World
I think I can (almost) rest my case on this one…
Of course they still suggest humans left Africa… in this case there “could” have been an earlier migration out of Africa. I emphasise the “could” word since yet again they are clutching at straws.
Honestly, I just bang my head against a wall…

**Breaking News**
The secret of Roman concrete has finally been discovered, and it’s taken many decades to figure it out!
Roman concrete, which strengthens over time, is much better than its modern counterpart, which erodes relatively rapidly.
How on earth does concrete become stronger through the centuries with all that weathering erosion?
Finally, the answer has been found…

United States
One of the best articles I have ever come across regarding the Anasazi Indians – the Pueblo people of Chaco society. Personally, this is the most fascinating of all the North American cultures that existed prior to European colonisation (excluding Clovis).
This article highlights not only the complexities of Chaco society, but also the difficulties in interpreting the scientific data being extracted from DNA and other evidence.
It’s becoming clear, however, that the large houses, like those at Chaco Bonito, were places of burial and ritual. Previously it was thought that these were extremely large places where people may have lived, but some time ago it was discovered that this could not be the case due to the large amount of burials being found, unless of course the locals lived with the dead. Some societies did indeed live with dead relatives, but it’s hard to imagine how bad the smell was. That is clearly not the case with the Anasazi.
What we know even today about Native American cultures is how important their ancestors are, and what can be considered a ‘death cult’ is still prevalent in modern native societies. In fact, when one looks at all native American societies, from the north to the south, they were all involved in some way or another with such a cult, from basic and benevolent ancestor worship all the way up to advanced and sinister human sacrifice on a grand scale.
Anasazi culture was extremely complex and trade networks flourished as far south as southern Mexico. Their pottery and artwork was unique and often bizarre, with strange geometric designs reminiscent of those attributed to hallucinogenic visions, which would surprise me little – all native Americans were involved in consuming such substances. In fact, the death cults we see would never have occurred without such practices.
We are still extremely backwards when it comes to understanding native American cultures of the north, simply because we Europeans almost wiped them out, on top of considering their ritualistic practices as the work of the devil. Even today’s native American cultures live in a confused cloud, and have little left in the way of knowledge of their ancestors. Anthropologically speaking, we have committed a dreadful crime. An entire chapter in our history is missing, and is not likely to be recovered. We would know a lot more about our own history if the Europeans had not committed such genocide in the Americas. That’s why today archaeologists have only guesswork at their disposal when it comes to deciphering the clues provided.

Ready for another one of my rants? Here goes:
With almost every report now about Neanderthals we see the same words – “Neanderthals were more intelligent than we previously thought”.
So I am going to repeat what I have said before, because we humans are clearly still arrogant and stupid.
Neanderthal was a far more advanced creature than us. They were far more intelligent, they were much stronger, they had larger brains, and they were clearly better than us at probably everything they did. It is becoming more and more likely each day that many human abilities were either inherited from Neanderthal through DNA i.e. interbreeding, or we learned from them physically, by copying, being taught by them, or whatever other method.
So, for the love of God, please stop with this rhetoric and get over it – Neanderthal was a far more superior species to human beings, end of.
“If they were more advanced than us, why did they die out then?” Is the question I get from people after I speak those words, as if the extinction of them somehow exposes us as more advanced than them. If Neanderthal genocide had anything to do with their extinction, then let’s ask ourselves which is the more developed species – the one that uses violence and murder or the one that doesn’t? Thank you. Moving on.
So, Neanderthal may have been practising dentistry 130,000 years ago… It surprises me little, and I suspect we will be finding more and more incredible things about our cousins when we re-evaluate Neanderthal from the position of “They were very clever”, rather than the idiotic Darwinian, “They must have been stupid because we killed them off in a game of survival of the fittest”.
Let’s get one thing straight once and for all – Darwinian evolution is no longer a viable theory.

Thank you again to Michael White for the link: