Java, Indonesia
Continuing with the rhetoric, Gunung Padang should be a name on everyone’s lips, but it isn’t… yet.
Gunung Padang, or Mount Padang, is a strangely shaped, pyramidal structure located in west Java, Indonesia.
The story goes something like this:
Archaeologists had taken a look at the top of the pyramid and could see clearly there were man-made structures on the top. The site has been used by locals for thousands of years and it is very sacred. But the lead archaeologist had a suspicion that the structure may in fact be totally man-made and not just used as a sacred hill. Boring holes into the hill, organic material was tested and found to be thousands of years old. So, they dug further and further, and the dates became older and older.
At some point, Graham Hancock and Dr. Robert Schoch went to the site to take a look, and to speak with the archaeologist, who told them he thought the site could be at least 20,000 years old, and that the entire hill was likely man-made. Dr. Schoch, a geologist, agreed. When that information was made public by the said two heretics, some strange things started to occur. Around the world, so called “scholars” (here we go again) protested about the dates and demanded the work stopped. And things got so heated the Indonesian authorities actually banned further digging and research at the site for many years. One can only ask why…
And this is the thing we must question all the time – why do these so-called scholars try to stop others from doing proper scientific research, and why are the findings ridiculed? Why are we continuously being lied to about dates, and why is this ridiculous idea of man running around forests only 5 or 6,000 years ago being constantly maintained when it is clearly not true?
Anyway, back to Gunung Padang… Recently further testing has concluded the site is likely as old as 26,000 years old, interestingly, the time it takes the earth to wobble on its axis – the precession of the equinoxes – the biggest and most important measurement of our planet that was encoded into just about every ancient site in the world. A beautiful coincidence, I have to say.
The point is this – while we are being clearly lied to about human evolution (and it can only be considered lies) it is usually those outside of academia who are proving otherwise. And those outside of academia are vehemently ridiculed to the point it can only be considered bullying. For some reason, the powers that be, those that hold the monopoly on ancient knowledge, are keeping us from knowing the truth about our past. It is extremely clear that something is missing from our ancient history. Let’s take a look at the options.
1) “Science” – and I use the term loosely – still wants us to believe that 5,000 years ago human beings were running around forests, or they were hunter gatherers, and they had no idea about astronomy, mathematics, etc, to be able to form advanced knowledge. And from there we suddenly developed various skills and started building amazing structures.
2) Evidence is mounting on a daily basis that we were far more advanced in the ancient past, not only than science wants us to believe, but even more advanced than we are today, and various structures are proving this to be true.
So what evidence is there of the latter?
The Egyptian pyramids.
That’s it. End of the story.
Let’s assume the pyramids were built when they say they were – around 5,000 years ago.
Every engineer who has taken even a glimpse at the engineering techniques employed at Giza have said categorically that we could not build those pyramids today, even with our technology.
Read that sentence again and let it sink in.
And that’s all we need for a smoking gun.
Our ancestors were highly advanced. They were master astronomers, master architects, master mathematicians and so far ahead of us it beggars belief. And they built these structures with, supposedly, soft copper tools and stones. And yet here we are, in the 21st Century, with all of this technology at our disposal and yet we could not replicate the Pyramids at Giza.
Now try and tell me there’s not something wrong with the way our history is being taught…
When the evidence is that obvious, it can only be a lie. We are being lied to. End of.
And when you consider how far advanced these people were, it clearly suggests their knowledge and skills go much further back into antiquity, for they didn’t just wander out of the forests and fields and suddenly evolved great knowledge overnight. They truly were a part of a more ancient, and probably worldwide, advanced culture.
So what happened to all of this knowledge?
Simple – comet impacts and ice age water melt have destroyed most of the evidence, but not all. That is, scientifically proven sea-level rises and comet impacts.
It’s time for change.
It’s time to allow those outside of academia to have their say.
It’s time to stop trusting these so-called “scholars” because they appear to have an agenda to keep us in the dark.
And the best thing about this is, most people are waking up to the fact that these scholars don’t actually have a clue what they are talking about. I find it amusing at times, I get attacked by people regularly, suggesting my work is not peer-reviewed and thus has no relevance, but that’s exactly the point. The peer-review process is there to do exactly that – ridicule and remove from public view any piece of work that does not fit their outdated, easily-debunked ideas about our ancient history. The out-of-Africa theory is another example.
The scientific establishment, from the perspective of our ancient past, is no longer respected by most people. Why? Because people like us are waking up to the real facts – none of whet they say makes sense, and sites like Gobekli Tepe (at least 12,000 years old) and Gunung Padang (at least 20,000 years old) are breaking down that wall that we’ve been forced to stand against.
The tide is turning.
We need to keep fighting for the truth.
Almost following on from the previous post, interestingly this story has been posted again.
I reported on this when the new first broke, and it’s another nail in the coffin for the out-of-Africa theory of human evolution.
Interestingly, recently an AI computer has predicted there is another human ancestor that has yet to be discovered.
We are all aware of the theory. It states humans left Africa around 100,000 years ago, a theory I find as absurd as it is simplistic. Human evolution is clearly far more complex than that, and these “human” footprints found on Crete that date to 5.7 million years ago suggest there is a major flaw in the theory.
Whether this was another branch of human ancestor, or a direct human ancestor, is yet to be established, but that is not the point.
The point is there were hominids existing outside of Africa and thus the theory of human evolution only occurring in Africa has to be thrown out.
I have always had the opinion that humans evolved in different parts of the world, evolving into the root races, perhaps through mating, just as Homo sapiens did with Neanderthal. Again, this idea was put forward in my book, although only a brief mention.
Just like the peopling of the Americas, sooner or later the out-of-Africa theory will be in the bin where it belongs.
Easter Island / Chile
I still find it amusing that scholars think the moai were “walked” down the hillside into their positions.
Thankfully a lot of people are waking up to the often stupid theories that these “scholars” come up with, some of which makes one wonder if they have any intelligence at all. We beginning to realise that scientists, which we once put our faith into, give us theories and opinions that are less likely to give answers in comparison with independent researchers.
Unfortunately, independent researchers are often being removed from the Internet under the title of “fake news”, a phrase and tool designed not only to remove fake news, but also to remove those who are bringing new ideas to the table and are deemed a threat to the established order.
Not all scholars or scientists come under this banner – many of them are excellent and science is a fantastic tool – but science itself as a discipline in recent years is lacking in areas of research that we clearly need to be looking at. Science itself is a tool with limitations.
In the case of the moai, an experiment was carried out to “prove” the heads were walked, by actually doing it with people and ropes. But like similar experiments carried out to “prove” how these huge blocks were moved, they only did this on a flat surface, and neglected to cater for the two-thirds of the block that is missing, as you can see in the picture of what the moai actually look like. When I see a successful experiment like this carried out on a hill with a 30-degree slope, I’ll be seriously impressed. Until then, these scientists should stop trying to fool people with easily-ridiculed experiments. To this day, with all of our technology, we still have no idea how the ancients moved huge blocks, and so it’s not suprising that we must question our intelligence, rather than theirs.
I will most likely expand on this subject in the months to come, because there seems to be a shift occurring…
Watch this space.

A restoration project in King Tutankhamun’s tomb has finally been completed after nearly a decade, and the most famous of all pharaohs is now back on display in his rightful resting place.
The tomb had been closed to the public during this time to allow the restorers to clean the wall paintings and install air filtration machines.