Stephen Maybury, the author, is an experienced solo traveller with little to keep him in England, so when a mysterious man offers him an all-expenses-paid trip to China, he finds it hard to resist. This adventure, however, soon turns into a surreal nightmare as he finds himself relentlessly pursued by the Chinese military after he illegally crosses the border into Tibet. Taken higher into the mountains by Tibetan monks, he is introduced to a bizarre temple which has lain hidden for thousands of years, and is entrusted with secrets that have been kept from mankind for millennia. His mysterious patron then sends him to Mexico, where he joins a group of archaeologists who have discovered a Maya pyramid in the jungle. Events escalate when the pyramid itself is discovered to be thousands of years older than it should be… and seemingly protected by terrifying otherworldly forces.
As synchronicities and strange occurrences mount up, there is clearly a connection between the site in Tibet and the Maya pyramid, but what is it? Why was Stephen Maybury chosen to undertake this adventure? And, perhaps most importantly, what is the meaning of ‘The Evolution’? As it answers these questions, this story will also change the way we perceive the world and our very reality.
Picture: Taj Mahal, Agra, India
Picture Credit: Somchai Somsanitangkul (Thailand), courtesy of 123rf