United States
Finally Graham Hancock’s research spanning many years is being vindicated by a minority of scientists who have actually bothered to follow up his theories with scientific research, unlike the majority who just bark out loud and dismiss him on the grounds that he’s not a welcomed member of the club and has no jurisdiction in either geology or archaeology.
I am an avid follower of Graham and his work and have been for many years, and it’s been clear to me from the beginning that he is correct in almost everything he has proposed. I am proud to say Graham has a copy of my book and has read parts of it (my claim to fame!); I have met him and had the most fascinating conversations with him. Graham is a man who is articulate and thorough in his speech and his work respectively, and his arguments are so persuasive it can only be an arrogant fool who dismisses him. and there have been many arrogant fools who have, many of them in prominent positions of power in the archaeological world.
So let’s try and nail this down into one brief paragraph:
Plato said that the ancient civilisation of Atlantis – a civilisation dismissed by mainstream scholars as a myth – was destroyed by massive floods in the distant past. But he also puts a date on this event – 9600 BC – and we also have flood myths in just about every ancient culture that has existed on planet earth. So it is a big surprise when we discover a) the Younger Dryas period ended in exactly 9600 BC, a time when sea levels around the world rose by 400 metres, an astronomical amount of water which caused worldwide devastation, and b) evidence of a comet impact at the beginning of the Younger Dryas in 10800 BC – the event that caused the Younger Dryas cooling and the extinction of much of the megafauna.
Graham’s theory is as simple as it is devastating – Plato’s description of Atlantis must be real and we are missing the biggest chapter in human history that would alter everything we know.
Graham Hancock has single-handedly turned the history of our species totally on its head, and he also proves that our ancestors were not bumbling idiots who wrote stories down just for fun. The war is not over yet, for it’s only now that some scientists are mustering up the courage to go against the grain and actually back Graham’s ideas up with solid science.
We – that is those of us fighting against the utter bullshit rhetoric pummelled into our brains on a daily basis about our ancient past, much of which I write about here – are ridiculed and abused at every opportunity. While I am not on the same pedestal as a man like Graham Hancock, I am certainly singing from the same hymn sheet, and this year, after thirty years of research, I am going to start doing public talks on these subjects and produce my findings. While Graham is sadly turning into an old man, it’s up to those of us next in line to carry on the fight.
Watch out world, I’m coming!



Copied and pasted Email from Peru, 23 October 2004.
Title: Time To Leave!

Dear All,

Something has dawned on me in the last 48 hours.

Peru is called `Darkest Peru` as some of you probably know. After spending some time here I have noticed something. Peru is great, it has this feel to it that everybody is equal, albeit generally in poverty.

Despite this, one has to read between the lines. Once you read between the lines you realise there are more lines, and you then have to read between those lines. When you do this you find even more lines and then suddenly you can see clearly that this place has a darkness that is almost evil. Darkest Peru indeed.

Yesterday I had what can only be described as the weirdest day on record. A very strange chain of events indeed. I am not going into detail, but today I have decided to get the smeg out of here and I am heading up to Chiclayo hopefully this afternoon.

I will contact you all when I am settled up there.


I remember this chain of events very clearly. I had spent some time in Trujillo after my first two weeks in Lima, and stayed in a hostel owned and run by Michael White and his Peruvian wife Clara. Mike has been a good friend of mine ever since and ironically the very person who has sent me the link below.
As you solo travellers are aware, you tune in to your environment when solo travelling, and sometimes you can peel back the layers and really feel a place. I am pretty sensitive to these things anyway, and I had many paranormal experiences in Peru.
But something happened in Trujillo over those two days; something that allowed me to tune in to what I now realise was probably the ancient past.
It turned out that Trujillo is home to what is without doubt the darkest and most barbaric culture I have ever come across – that of the Moche (approx. 100 to 700 AD). There are two pyramids located outside the modern city of Trujillo, one of which is the largest adobe brick structure on planet earth. The other pyramid, Huaca de la Luna, I experienced a deep sense of despair and sadness and that almost turned into fear. It was not too difficult to feel the environment there. Even after 1300 years the negative energy prevails.
The Chimu culture (approx. 750 – 1470 AD) “arrived” much later in the area, and flourished until the massive Inca empire swallowed up most of Peru, as well as large parts of Ecuador, Bolivia and Chile. The Chimu were without doubt the descendants of the Moche, so it surprises me little that the kind of barbarity that the Moche were so good at would continue with the Chimu. However, that’s not what I experienced in Trujillo. Sure, at the Moche sites I felt the darkness, but at the massive ancient Chimu city of Chan Chan I felt almost a sense of peace.
Now, however, that email I wrote in 2004 makes total sense. I know exactly what was right under my feet the whole time I was there, and eventually what I tuned into, prompting me to want to get away from Trujillo as fast as I could.
I will say nothing about the article itself, it’s up to you to read it.
I have read it. It has left me in total disbelief and bewilderment.


Shake my head, headbutt myself in a mirror and change my name to Derek.
Not only am I convinced that civilisation started in India, now we find the earliest evidence of Home sapiens sapiens has now moved to India as well.
More revealing is the date – now we have to double the previous date to up to 400,000 years.
Only yesterday was I complaining that the date has been pushed back another 50,000 years to 200,000, today it’s being doubled to 400,000 years that we modern humans left Africa… and landed in India. And not just India – the other side, the east, in Tamil Nadu. And not just east India. Far deep in the south too.
Not too far then, only a brief walk from East Africa! My bets are they travelled by boat, but no one’s going to buy that story. If not then they walked several thousand miles before stopping. Not likely. Of course, there’s the idea I’ve been pushing for a while that humans evolved in different places around the world, but Stephen Maybury versus Charles Darwin? Not a chance in hell for me.
Mind you, people laugh at all my other theories and they tend to be proven correct.
The clock is ticking; the discoveries keep swinging the pendulum. It’s only a matter of time now.
I may come across as arrogant but I’m starting to feel I have the right to be nowadays.

“Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologise for being correct, or for being years ahead of your time. If you’re right and you know it, speak your mind. Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.”
– Mohandas ‘Mahatma’ Gandhi.


A human jawbone dating to between 200,000 and 175,000 years ago has once again pushed “back the modern human migration out of Africa by at least 50,000 years.”
I make that the third time in recent years we’ve added 50,000 years to the now totally defunct theory. The original theory, dating from the Victorian era, was 50,000 years, but continuous findings have been pushing this date further and further back.
It’s becoming irritating.
Hopefully sooner or later someone with half a brain will stand up and say, “Maybe the theory is wrong!”
Until that day, we have to endure this “Darwin model only” standpoint from the so-called experts.


Back in January scientists discovered the two known caves of Sac Actun, 163 miles (263km) long, and Dos Ojos, 52 miles (83km) long, actually connect with one another, and this means it is by far the largest flooded cave system in the world.
But the most remarkable discovery is that some of the cave system is dotted with pristine Maya artefacts, giving an insight into the cave’s significance in Maya culture. It opens up a whole new chapter of Maya history – the underworld – and its importance in religious practices.
Under the famous and well-known pyramid of Kukulkan at Chichen Itza lies a tunnel that researchers thought led to a sink hole, now it turns out the tunnel leads to the cave system, ushering in a brand new branch of Maya research. The implications of this finding are shattering to previous Maya research because it shows that there is a completely different level of understanding required to understand the Maya, and this may account for a large percentage of the total research. In other words, our understanding of ancient Maya consciousness needs to be completely adjusted, for there was a whole different world the Maya were actively involved with that was until now hidden.


No need to write anything here, this article speaks for itself:


I may have to keep a low profile for a while because today I swapped archaeology for palaeontology.
I know, I know, sorry 
Today was a neck, ear and arm-burning trip to Paradise Valley, close to the city of Agadir.
While everyone was diving into the water and messing around in the waterfalls, I was wandering around looking at rocks.
Paradise Valley is an incredibly vibrant location when it comes to geology and ancient fossils.
A shop on the way out of the valley has thousands of trilobites and other giant shells, some of them nearly three feet wide. The area was clearly abundant with life long before the dinosaurs were roaming the earth – these things were swimming around 500 to 300 million years ago.
Note that I called the trilobite a trilobite and the giant shells a shell! I knew they are a kind of squid-like creature but I had no idea what they are called. (I have since looked it up online and they are called ammonoidea).
So it was quite ironic that while we were in the shop the owner asked me what “this” fossil was – “Trilobite” I said, feeling intellectual. “How old?” He asked. “Old,” I said, “Three hundred million years,” I guessed.
“Four hundred and sixty million” He replied.
Well, I wasn’t that far out!
Ironically the trilobite is the only “dinosaur” I know other than the classic dinosaurs! Lucky for me that’s the one he asked me to name!
Unfortunately my camera card adapter has stopped working and thus I cannot upload any photos of the masses of fossils he was selling, but I can upload a few pics from my phone of Paradise Valley itself.
It’s worth checking online for more info, it’s an incredible place and a must-visit location if you ever travel to Agadir. It genuinely does feel as if you’ve stepped away from modern life and walked back into the dinosaur world.


Well, let’s face it, they’ve just got their stories all muddled up.
Next to a busy highway in Israel, a Homo erectus “paradise” has been discovered, complete with stream, plants, abundant wildlife and a magical supply of every weapon and tool imaginable. I’m surprised they haven’t found a plaque which says “Marriott Hotel”.
It just sounds too far fetched but we’ll forgo the details.
The interesting thing, of course, is the date: half a million years ago.
As previously pointed out I believe human beings did not evolve in Africa and then migrate out of Africa as defined by the standard model. I believe humans evolved in different areas around the world.
So to find a site of Homo erectus – a direct ancestor of Homo sapiens (if you believe the Darwin evolution model) – shows that human ancestors left Africa long before Homo sapiens.
This is not a new finding, by the way. It is known that Homo erectus was roaming around Africa, Eurasia, Southeast Asia, and South Asia a good 1.9 million years ago. In fact some suggest our ancestor / not our ancestor (depending on what you want to believe) evolved in Eurasia and not Africa (depending on what you want to believe).
If Homo erectus is a direct ancestor of human beings then we have to believe that every Homo erectus died out all around the world only to leave the population in Africa that would evolve into Homo sapiens.
Now if you believe that, take yourself to the nut house, it will save the costs of calling an ambulance.
If Homo erectus is not an ancestor of homo sapiens then things make a little more sense and once again the Darwin model of evolution is in the bin – thus the missing link continues to be hiding under the fridge somewhere.
And lo and behold we have a clear indication of Homo sapiens being very much like its supposed ancestor but not actually its descendent, rather like Neanderthal which was once our ancestor but isn’t any longer.
In fact Neanderthal was considered our ancestor but it was obviously as thick as two short planks and could only make grunting noises and club women around the head. So it was determined that Neanderthal was not our ancestor, which was a huge relief. But then researchers actually found that Neanderthal was immensely clever and intelligent, had a bigger brain than us, was far stronger and was clearly a better species in every possible way imaginable. So it was a massive relief when DNA studies showed that we actually interbred with Neanderthal and have some of their genes still today, otherwise we’d be as thick as two short planks, walking around making grunting noises and clubbing women around the head.
Welcome to the (utter bullshit) world called “The story of human origins”.


Saudi Arabia
Ironic I came across this article just now as I am currently in Morocco on business. I was hoping to get to Jebel Irhoud, the site of the earliest Homo Sapiens that were discovered in 1960 and redated recently (along with new finds), but transportation issues may mean I’ll have to try on my next visit. Thankfully visits to Morocco will be frequent in the future so I’m not too concerned about missing it this time.
If you’ve missed that particular piece of news the old theory, which is a part of the ‘out-of’Africa’ stupidity, is that humans evolved in Kenya / Ethiopia around 200,000 years ago, and then left Africa 50,000 years ago (then put back to 80,000 years, then to 100,000 years)… The discovery in Morocco totally destroys that idea because we have fully formed homo sapiens roaming around Morocco 300,000 years ago, and thousands of miles away from where they should have been. Well there’s another nail in that coffin, thank god, but still they insist…
This article presents human ancestor tools and weapons that are approximately one million years old, swinging towards my own theory that human beings evolved in different places around the world. For those following the story, the ‘out-of-Africa’ theory is firmly ‘in-the-bin’ as far as I am concerned, but science still sticks to the ‘out-of-date’ Victorian Darwin bollocks. I can’t think of another, more polite way of putting it. Quite frankly it’s beyond a joke now, but still they insist…


Underwater excavations show Roman engineering at Corinth… although one needs to be cautious with reports in The Guardian as the information may not be totally accurate.


A fortress 3,000 feet (1,000m) long has been found under the surface of Lake Van in eastern Turkey, near the Iranian border. At approximately 50 miles long, Lake Van is Turkey’s largest lake.
The fortress is thought to date to the Ururtian period, around 1000 BC, when the water level was much lower. Further remains of villages can still be seen on the edge of the lake, above the current water line.
