The World / Germany
Please, please, PLEASE can we finally stop this “out-of-Africa” nonsense.
It’s time to wake up.
It’s time to grow up.
Darwin’s theory of evolution is utter nonsense.
Every idea about human evolution is equally as invalid.
Please can those clinging onto these ideas, and the peers who promote this baloney in what can only now be described as a “conspiracy to debunk the truth”, do us all a favour and drop dead.
I don’t care what anyone thinks of my thoughts, theories and ideas, but it is extremely important to know where we come from. The model of human evolution, right up to just a few thousand years ago, is so profoundly wrong it can only be described as a deliberate attempt to brainwash humanity into believing in an idea that was totally flawed from the beginning. The scientific establishment is losing its credibility faster than the speed of light.

The World
The domestication of cats goes back to at least 10,000 years. A huge amount of research has been carried out into how and when cats were domesticated, and these latest findings are backing up previous research – that cats interacted with humans at least 10,000 years ago, most likely because rodents were attracted by human refuse.
That in itself is an interesting fact, for the old belief that humans were still living in hunting groups around that time could easily have been disproven with this knowledge.
The human-cat relationship was borne out of tolerance due to necessity, not one of love and bonding. Trust between the two has taken thousands of years, and even today large cats are considered an enemy of humans. Not surprising when one sees their true size and power, and those huge teeth that can crush a man’s skull with one bite. But the little cute fluffy ones that evolved to eat small prey and not jumping gazelles have somehow managed to persuade us that they are actually very cute indeed. Today our relationship is rather less pragmatic, but it’s clear in more recent studies that we have been hoodwinked completely by our feline friends, and that we have been used from the very beginning. Ah, but that feeling of a ball of fluff curled up on our beds is definitely worth the sacrifice…

A hoard of over 500 coins, statues, and elaborate mosaics have been discovered in ancient Ptolemais in Libya.
Founded in the 4th Century BC by the Greeks, it was around 600 years later that the Romans built the recently excavated villa.
The mosaics show scenes of Dionysus and Ariadne, among other images, and were preserved due to at least one earthquake that destroyed the villa in the mid-4th Century. The coins were also thought to have been buried in the rubble.

Very little archaeology seems to come out of Africa if one excludes Egypt, so I am happy to report that this and my next report comes from the huge continent. Whether this lack of reporting is due to the lack of archaeology, or whether it’s to do with a lack of interest in Africa from the media is not something I can answer, but it’s nice to see it in the headlines for a change.
Suffice to say I know very little about the history of Sub-Saharan Africa, much to my own shame perhaps, although I am quite versed in the ancient tribal teachings of people like the Dogon and their well-known and astounding (although debated) knowledge of the Sirius star system. And then there’s the British Empire’s rape and genocide of the Zulu and other cultures that we were taught in school, although the lessons were never put like that since, of course, we were fighting barbarian nomads with little intelligence who couldn’t invent anything beyond a spear. All of it was pro-British of course. Shocked? Well, this is pretty much what we were taught in school 35 years ago. Thankfully times have changed, and rapidly too.
Of course, Saharan Africa is full of archaeology, what with the Egyptians, the Carthaginians, and the Romans, to name a few.
Here is an amazing report from Nigeria – almost 13,000 glass beads, dating to a thousand years old. And yet here we have the whitewashing of African history raising its ugly head again – archaeologists first thought the glass beads must have been imported, for our African brothers and sisters were not capable of such artistry, even a thousand years ago. That kind of arrogance and blatant racism should result in fines in the modern world. Perhaps there should be an “Arrogant Archaeologist of the Year” Award. I know quite a few who would qualify.
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence”, Carl Sagan once said. And how right he was.