Here we go again!
More evidence is coming to light that forces archaeologists and scientists to re-think the model of human habitation in the Americas. I’ve said my piece on this many times, I don’t need to repeat myself!
In northern Peru artefacts have been found dating to 15,000 years ago, during the ice age, and before the Younger Dryas period. The relevance of the Younger Dryas will be apparent in one of my next posts. Whether these people shuffled “down the coastline from north America”, arrived from Polynesia, arrived from elsewhere or even evolved on the continent is not likely to be known, but at the very least it’s another log on the burning pile of rubble that was once the accepted model of how humans migrated to the Americas.
Here’s some hilarity for everyone:
“Dillehay did not find any fishing lines, nets, or harpoons. But he suspects people didn’t need them because storm surges would have sent seawater flooding deep inland, leaving behind pools full of stranded marine creatures.”
What a load of crap!
The truth is he didn’t find those artefacts and neither did they need them because they were not coastal inhabitants i.e. they didn’t arrive by straddling the coastline from North America! You can see what they are constantly trying to do – find evidence that only fits the theory which they believe to be true. These people were not adapted to a life on the sea coast in the way the theory suggests, which tells us very clearly that the theory is wrong.
Another telling clue is this quote from the article:
“As old as this is, you’re probably not looking at the first peoples on the landscape.”
Really, I would never have thought that! They contradict themselves without even realising it!
Well, I did say that I have already said my piece on this but there’s more. I don’t like how the scientists are trying to manipulate only slightly their current theory by simply stretching the edges a bit to make it fit the original. As you can see they are saying humans still came across the Bering land bridge and then slowly edged down the coast. Already the date of human beings in the Americas has been put back 10,000 years with recent findings, completely destroying the accepted theory, so to use the same theory but only adjust the dates is bad science. I can’t prove it but I know it’s wrong. There is no doubt South America was populated before the north. Before I am dead that evidence will come to light, and I won’t go to my grave until it does! There is another theory. In fact there are many. Soon this ridiculous idea will be blown apart. Watch this space…
Bulgaria / Greece
You know I’ve been ranting on for years that I do not, and never have, accepted the “Out of Africa” theory of human origins. It is utter nonsense and is as clear as a plain glass window when you look at the distribution of human beings all over the world.
New findings can now finally put that ridiculous theory into the dustbin where it belongs.
Hominid remains have been found in Bulgaria and Greece dating to 7.2 million years ago, long before any such human ancestor arrived or evolved in Africa.
There is nothing more to be said…
A 350-year-old tent, thought to have been the royal tent of emperor Shah Jahan – the man who built the Taj Mahal – is now receiving its first ever clean.
As high as 13 feet (4.3 metres), the tent was carried on long journeys and was used as a travelling palace, and is one of the largest tents that existed in the world prior to the 19th Century.
The Mughals were a combination of many cultures and imported their bizarre mix of inhumane brutality and kind tolerance into India when they moved south from Afghanistan in the 16th Century. Although the origin of the Mughals is debated – central Asia is about as definite as we can be – their main language was Persian. Islamic in religion, the Mughals controlled almost the whole of India at their height, and brought about peace through brutality and integration – a method first used by the Romans. Today, India is still reeling from the Islamic invasions that diluted its Hindu empires and created division amongst its population, resulting in the creation of the Islamic states of Pakistan and Bangladesh during the badly thought out British partition of 1947.
This tent is an important part of Indian history, but it is steeped in blood, injustice and genocide. Like most pieces of history, we tend to view the good and not the bad – the incredible building projects that the Mughals undertook are some of the finest pieces of architecture anywhere in the world, and of course the Taj Mahal is the perfect example. Without Mughal buildings India would hold a completely different place in today’s world. So it is quite fitting that since the Mughals built some of the best architecture ever created by man, one of their perishable creations has also remained intact.
**Breaking News**
Up to 32 mummies have been found in a cave system near the city of Minya.