A Personal Message

Posted On: Aug 21st, 2018 at 14:34

A Personal Message.
Many of you will be happy I’m not posting at the moment and there’s a reason for that 🙂
After what has been almost two years of writers block the walls have finally been broken and I am currently in full flow! A couple of days ago I wrote 25 pages in a single day, a record for me.
The Evolution took 4 years and 6 months to complete, and if I had written a whole page in a day that was a success! The Evolution required intense thinking and, for those who have read it, you can understand the level of writing that was required. The Guru – the follow up to The Evolution – is a completely different concept and does not involve that level of intense of writing. The Guru is a fast paced adventure story, almost written from the third person, although the two main characters were also an integral part of The Evolution.
The Evolution was written as a diary, so what you are reading is meant to be a direct copy of a diary, and includes the protagonists thoughts on paper. It is a long, drawn out, in depth story. The Guru is not the same despite being the follow up story. There is no diary writing, it’s simply a story with a lot more dialogue between the characters, a lot of humour, romance, adventure, danger and excitement, all based around an ancient Hindu empire and directly related to Lord Shiva. More will be revealed soon.
I am hoping now the block will not occur again and if that is the case then I hope to have The Guru ready for publication next year.
