Once again Turkey leads the way with ancient finds. This time possibly the world’s oldest ship, 4,000 years old, found off the coast at Urla.
Two absolutely stunning statues have been found in the Macedonian part of Greece at the entrance of a tomb that may be still intact. Dating to the time of Alexander the Great, the tomb is the largest yet ever found and may hold the remains of someone very important, although Alexander himself has already been ruled out.
I also have a big problem with the naming of Alexander “The Great”. I have no idea why this individual was given such a name. It amazes me that people with such power are given such notoriety. Alexander was nothing more than a genocidal maniac and his crimes against humanity are nothing more than despicable. Today he would be the most wanted man on earth. There is nothing “great” about most of the people who have ruled over us over thousands of years. Most of them were / are nothing more than murderous lunatics who use thugs to control the general population. Our modern version is our governments or royal families who use their thugs (army or police) to control us. It’s astonishing that someone who went around the world and ordered the murder of innocent women and children is made out to be such a hero. But then by creating history in such a way our modern leaders can be seen in the same light. One day we will remember the victims of these psychopaths and tear down every statue that exists of these so-called “great” people. But we are a long way from that way of thinking…
There, I’ve had my Monday morning gripe, I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Nothing more than scandalous corruption, an international organisation needs to take control of Egypt’s antiquities before it’s too late.
United States.
The giant mounds of North America are little known among the general public, and even few Americans know much about them.
Covering vast areas all over what is now the United States, some of these mounds were so huge that they defy logic… but even the tribes that lived a couple of centuries ago knew little about them. For example, the 2,500-year-old Newark Circle and Octagon contained a 56-mile road connecting it to a near-identical side in Chillicothe. The road was 180 feet wide and the walls on either side stretched along the entire 56-mile road. But many of the mounds are much older than the Ohio patterns. Edgar Cayce, the famous American ‘sleeping prophet’, gave much information about the mound builders and he stated they were thousands of years old and made by people who were not the native American Indians. Although such information can be taken with a pinch of salt, you’d be surprised how much money genuine scientists and establishments have put in to following Cayce’s predictions. One example would be the work done to discover if there is a chamber under the paws of the Sphinx, supposedly containing a vast library of secret knowledge, based solely on one of Cayce’s more famous predictions.
Such a small report for what is an astounding discovery.
I was at Patara just six days ago and on the steps of the theatre and the assembly hall I took some photos of the partial eclipse through my camera using my sunglasses as a filter. Not a great idea but it worked. Now, however, my visit there is all the more magical with the knowledge that this site is thousands of years older than thought, and… “Professor Havva İşkan Işık at Akdeniz University’s Archaeology Department, said the history of Lycia would be rewritten with these new findings.”
For a start they’ll have to change all the signs around the site!
It was a special visit with the eclipse but now the entire history of Lycia will need to be rewritten. It’s astonishing to think the site is at least 10,000 years old! I knew the day was a magical one but this is amazing!
Turkey is certainly leading the way when it comes to taking history back thousands of years further than we think it is…
I’m back!
More on my recent investigative trip around the Greco-Roman / Lycian ruins of western and southern Turkey later, but for now it’s back to the usual posts.
I’ve said before and I’ll keep saying it – it seems a new theory about Stonehenge is put forward every week, but I honestly believe most researchers and archaeologists are only looking at a part of the story when it comes to many sites, and in particular Stonehenge. Why? Because there are aspects of human behaviour and / or technology that is being completely ignored and until so-called experts start incorporating these ideas into their investigations we’ll be scratching our heads for many years to come. One of those examples is the use of hallucinogenic substances and how they shaped our ancestors religious and technological ideas. In other words, the use of these substances and their effects may be the sole purpose behind such building projects, or at least a major factor in their meaning. If we only look at solid artefacts, for example, we may never know what was really going on. Our modern social norms are stopping us from understanding a lot more about our ancestors.
This article has some lovely photos.
A finding of a flint tool by a six-year-old boy outside of Cardiff led archaeologists to discover that a 1,000-year-old Roman site was actually a 5,000-year-old Neolithic battlefield.
Australia & China.
An amazing discovery of a coin shows the first evidence of trading between China and Australia.
Why is that so amazing?
Because this was likely before Australia was colonised by the British in 1788 and therefore the trade was between the mighty Chinese Empire and the nomadic Aborigines.
This means the Chinese traded with the native Australians but never settled there, a fact which is quite astonishing when you sit and ponder it…
United States.
If a discovery doesn’t fit into accepted models it comes under attack from all angles, and any excuse whatsoever to dismiss the findings is used. On the contrary, if a discovery fits into mainstream models it is usually accepted without question.
This happens in all scientific fields and it is known as “knowledge filtering”. The problem with this is that a lot of discoveries get pushed aside and are ignored and for me, after twenty-five years of research in thi…s field, it seems the truth about our origins, human migration and the dating of sites are, in many cases, completely wrong.
This subject is a book in itself and there are many incidences of bizarre findings that are brushed under the carpet. Many archaeologists and geologists have lost their jobs simply because they have published their results and those results don’t fit accepted models.
One of those ideas, which I am also proposing, is that the Americas were populated long before the 14,000-or-so years that the accepted model says. Here is one of a hundred reports of findings that show human beings were in the Americas long before this date. The blade found is similar to Solutrean blades which were used in Europe between 22,000 and 17,000 years ago.
Sooner or later we have to stop knowledge filtering and allow every scientific paper to reach the mainstream. Many of the major breakthroughs in physics were only accepted because Einstein often stepped in and suggested the ideas might be correct… and they turned out to be correct. If Einstein had not lived, we’d still be a hundred years behind in that field.
Today we know very little about our history because of this and I suggest everyone takes mainstream accepted ideas with a pinch of salt at the best of times. There are so many amazing discoveries that have been ignored nut thankfully the Internet is allowing independent researchers to release their findings through alternative media… and to me, they make a lot more sense.
In this article, I agree that the scepticism is worthy as these items were dredged up from the sea and there’s no telling they are related, even though common sense says they are.
In my opinion, Ostia Antica is by far the best archaeology site in Rome, even better than the Colosseum and the Palatino. That is purely a personal preference though, as many may argue against that opinion.
In Ostia, archaeologists have discovered the already huge cemetery is at least 35% larger than originally thought…
A once-in-a-lifetime discovery that cannot be underestimated, a lost city in Honduras, possibly the fabled ‘White City’, has been discovered in a remote and dangerous jungle area. Here are some key facts:
1) The culture that built it is completely unknown and it has no relation to any of the nearby Maya sites.
2) No one knows how old it is.
3) It has never before been explored…
4) The culture, therefore, has no name.
5) The ruins were first discovered in May 2012 but the site has been kept a secret for fear of looters stealing the objects (even though archaeologists “loot” sites for museums, but that’s another argument!)
6) The site was discovered by the use of Lidar – the new radar mapping technique that is revealing how extensive known sites actually were and also helping archaeologists to discover new sites.
7) Archaeologists believe the city is one of many cities that remain undiscovered in the rainforest, thus giving us an entire lost civilisation.
Staying in Africa, finding the long lost 30,000-strong population of Akhenaton’s city of El-Amarna has proved more difficult than archaeologists imagined. In 2001, however, the first signs of the looted cemeteries started to appear, and now a full map of the area has been made from extensive excavations.