The only baffling thing that comes from this article is that archaeologists and historians believe Bronze Age human beings to be little more than barbarians who ran around forests chasing animals and each other. It’s not the fault of the article, of course, it’s the general consensus of our arrogant scientific community who strongly believe we are the pinnacle of human evolution and that we are the most intelligent, and that this evolutionary process has taken several million years and has culminated in the person you see in the mirror. A perfect example of this problem, and something which is brushed under the carpet in utter avoidance of the issue, is the absolute fact that our ancestors were far cleverer than we are today. That particular piece of information can be clearly seen in the pyramids in Giza, Egypt, whereby not a single modern engineer has any clue how they were built, and will categorically tell you we do not have the technology to do so today. It’s beyond frustrating that these simple facts are ignored and the continuous and monotonous drivel that’s given to the mainstream whereby researchers try various methods of pulling stones along wooden sledges with a bit of animal fat and a few strong men, and then promote this on TV as the latest proof of the builder’s methods, is rather tedious and insulting to our intelligence. And if you think the ancient Egyptians thought the world was flat then think again. They knew far more about the heavens than we did until satellites allowed us to cheat.
The facts are simple – our ancestors had a technology that is not only lost but is in no way similar to our own, so to apply our own technology to what our ancestors achieved is like trying to fit the proverbial round peg into a square hole. We are so far from understanding our ancestors only because the mainstream does not allow the alternative scenarios to be heard in yet another case of “knowledge filtration”.
I know a bronze disc cannot be connected with the pyramids, but that’s not the point I am trying to make. The continuous disregard and absolute disrespect of the ability of our ancestors is ignorant, arrogant and must stop immediately if we are to have any chance of knowing who we really are.
Gripe over, thanks for reading my modern human drivel.
How many of you even know there is another Machu Picchu, hidden away in the mountains of the Andes, just a stone’s throw from the most famous site in the Americas?
Choquequirao is just a short distance from its famous sister and yet has been totally ignored and overshadowed by Machu Picchu. Now it’s time that changed.
Turkey keeps popping up a lot lately but that’s not surprising as it is literally the bridge between East and West and also the home of the oldest structures on planet earth (as accepted thus far by mainstream science – there is an older site in Indonesia but that story is for another day).
The ancient Greek city of Zeugma, dating to 300 BC, close to the Syrian border and once home to 80,000 people has produced, for me, some of the most stunning and well preserved mosaics ever found.
More anthropological than archaeological but, nevertheless, these videos are absolutely awesome.
I have a personal vested interest in Tibet as I have a close friend who is from there, currently exiled in the UK with no hope of any kind of future due to the political situation. He is constantly being forced to either accept an Indian passport or a Chinese passport by the UK Home Office because, as far as they are concerned, Tibet no longer exists and these people are either Chinese or Indian. But they have their own language and their own culture. My friend and many of his friends refuse to accept these nationalities and for that they are not allowed to work, have a NI number, a passport, receive benefits, get married or any other thing that might be considered “humane”. But there is nothing humane about the secrets our governments, and thus the media, keep. If I know about it, then they damn well do as well. It’s one of those things where absolute disgust can only be your feeling when you know the details, and it’s more than enough evidence to prove that our media are nothing more than state-run and do not tell the stories that matter. Tibet is one of those examples. Tibet has been literally wiped off the map and has become a part of China, without so much as a complaint or political intervention from the west. There have been thousands of Tibetans murdered in what is nothing more than the obliteration of an entire country and its culture. The west does nothing about it because it is in the palm of the hand of the Chinese due to trade and for that the story is ignored by our media completely and, as I have just said, that proves the media is state-run because this is, and always has been, one of the stories of the century, for this one and the last.
Like native American Indians, all the Tibetans can do now is try and hold on to their heritage as much as possible.
Ancient Gordion, the famed elevated citadel of King Midas, is still giving us valuable historical data.
Dating back 4,500 years, the site is located approximately 45 miles south-west of Ankara in western central Turkey. Alfred Körte started excavations in 1900, seven years after he discovered the site. Now, 115 years later, excavations have uncovered high defensive walls, a road and an industrial area dating to around 1000 BC.
Throwing up a string of surprises, our friends from the largest country on earth have now produced the world’s oldest geoglyph, up to 4,000 years older than the famous Nazca glyphs!
The moose, or should I say elk considering its location, dates from between 4000 – 3000 BC, some 5 to 6,000 years ago, and is located in the Urals, approximately 130 miles west of Chelyabink.
Not only is the elk’s age astonishing, but there’s proof that children were a part of the creation because of tools found. Alternatively, during those days humans were involved in geoglyph making with friendly gnomes. You decide.
The thing that sticks out in my mind, however, is that geoglyph creations were a worldwide phenomenon and occurred in North and South America, Britain, Finland and now Russia, to name a few places. There are many other examples of certain types of ‘technology’ being used in far flung places with people who had no contact with one another, or who supposedly had no contact with one another. What we really have to start understanding is how human consciousness functions. Surely there’s some kind of bizarre shared consciousness occurring in different human groups all over the planet because more often than not we find the same kind of creations occurring during the same time period. That is, when people had similar technologies at their disposal although, as in the case of the elk and the Nazca lines, that could be several thousand years apart.
Reporting on this excavation last year, archaeologists have now reached the end of the tunnel underneath the Temple of the Serpent at Teotihuacan.
Absolutely nothing is known about the culture that built this huge city and its mysteries are baffling even to the most sane. For a start the giant Pyramid of the Sun has exactly the same base measurement as the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, the only difference being the height and angle of the construction.
Archaeologists think the city’s elite may have been buried in the chambers of the Temple of the Serpent, which they have now reached, but a part of me wants them to find nothing so the mysterious people who built this city remain as obscure as ever. If we discover all the secrets of the world there will be nothing left to our imagination – there will be no Atlantis, no aliens, no ghosts, nothing – just us boring human beings. Now, we can’t have that, can we?
After more than 120 years, archaeologists are still baffled by the structure known as Por-Bajin (Clay House), located in the middle of lake Tuva in high altitude in Siberia. It’s the kind of place one would expect to find in the middle of lake Titicaca in South America, but this beautiful and magical fortress-like structure is found, well, in the middle of nowhere, really.
Most likely built in 757 AD and most definitely Asian rather than traditional Russian, the site s…its on the border near Mongolia in what is a stunningly beautiful setting. In fact it has to be one of the most picturesque places on earth. Building techniques employed at the site suggest it is Chinese, namely that of the T’ang Dynasty, and looking at the animated reconstruction in the article it appears to be more of a Buddhist meditation retreat than any palace or strategic military compound.
President Putin, on a visit in 2007, said, “‘I have been to many places, I have seen many things, but I have never seen anything of the kind.”
Well, such is the magic of this place…
Proof is now affirmed that the terracotta army – one of the most incredible archaeological finds in the world – is made of individual soldiers. Although it’s been long known that the faces of the terracotta army are all different, archaeologists wanted to know if the soldiers were created in some kind of production line or whether they are as individual as real people. The answer has been discovered by scanning the ears. Ears are as unique as fingerprints and a person can be identified by their ears alone. So the question was – were they all created equal and given a different face and some other quirks, or are they all completely unique? Now we know the results from scanning the soldiers in situ – the ears are all unique and the army is truly comprised of individual soldiers. Such detail is astounding and one must wonder at the techniques used to create the army…
Astonishingly, after more than two thousand years, Emperor Qin Shi Huang is still in situ and his grave unopened. Thought to contain riches beyond imagination, the grave could be as lavish as Tutankhamun’s tomb. The Chinese, however, are well aware of the writings of the Chinese scholar Sima Qian who, a century after the emperor’s death, described how the tomb was rigged with booby traps and laced with poison, and anyone who opens up the tomb will suffer a terrible death. Whether the account is true or not, the Indiana Jones-like story has scared the Chinese enough not to touch it. Personally, I would also err on the side of caution.
Back to Greece once again and the story I reported here on 30 March, namely that of the stunning tomb that was discovered in the Macedonian part of Greece and dating to the time of Alexander the Psychopath. Oops, sorry, I mean Alexander the Great.
A skeleton has now been found, albeit in pieces, and now some answers can be attained. One theory is that the occupant could be one of Alexander’s aides or generals since the lavishness of the tomb suggests someone of extremely high standing.
This is one of the most exciting finds in archaeology in recent years. The original story is below.
Original post:
This beautiful wine cup dates back 2,600 years and may show the earliest Greek visualisation of the constellations. The article questions how the Greeks came to know about the constellations, but common sense suggests that knowledge came from the ancient Egyptians. In fact I don’t think there’s any mystery there at all in that respect. The Egyptians would have been aware of the constellations for thousands of years before this cup was created. Yes, I did say thousands of years – totally fed up with the arguments by the mainstream – the Sphinx is thousands of years older and the scientific evidence for that is irrefutable. It’s about time things changed because it’s nothing more than frustrating.
The amusingly named Antiochia Hippos sits on a hill above the Sea of Galilee, a once formidable Greco-Roman town with a commanding position.
Excavations have been underway for some time and a wealth of artefacts are coming to the surface.
The site was abandoned in 749 AD after an earthquake, the second to hit in 400 years, and many of the broken statues are being found.
“Participators” are required for the 2015 dig. Tempting… very tempting… although be aware that “participators” is the new term for “volunteers”. If you’ve ever been in a pit with a trowel and a brush that usually qualifies, although they may request an archaeology degree.
These huge circles were first discovered by aircraft in the 1920s but little research has been carried out and not many scientists know about them.
Circle building seems to have been a worldwide phenomenon which demands its own answers. We see thousands of stone circles in the UK which date back 5,000 years and more in some cases. Stonehenge first contained a circular ditch which is much older than the erected stones so this suggests simple circles were the forerunner of stone circles. Scientists always say the stone circles were for astronomical observations but there are much easier ways of studying the stars. While astronomical observations were being carried out, it’s pretty obvious a site as complex as Stonehenge had other functions as well.
So, what were they originally used for? More importantly, how old are they – 2,000 years or 10,000 years?
Please note that the missing link (excuse pun) has now been found and you can click on the link below instead of copying and pasting. Sorry about that error in previous posts. All previous posts have also been corrected. I blame my tech guru Dan for not telling me I had to click on a button or two to enable that function. My genius actually does only go so far…
Indus culture (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, India).
The unknown language of the Indus culture, contemporaneous with Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia but four times larger than both, has baffled scientists since the first excavations took place in north-western India. The Indus culture covered what is now the entire land of Pakistan, parts of Afghanistan, Iran and most of north-western India. Although the language has remained undeciphered Sanskrit, the still used but rare ancient Indian language and the mother of the modern Hindi language, is a descendent of the Indo-Aryan language group. The Indo-Aryan language group is the mother language of the Indo-European group. The Indo-European language group is the mother of all of our European languages, including Latin, Greek, French, Italian, Spanish and English. Deciphering the Indus language is imperative in understanding where the language is placed in the family tree of languages and will become the discovery of the century when it actually occurs. This interesting video suggests that may occur sooner rather than later, using computer technology. My guess is the Indus language was a sister of Sanskrit, but we shall see. I would be surprised if they were unrelated despite the incredible differences between how they appear.
This video is a TED talk. I would like to point out that I do not promote TED in any way whatsoever due to its knowledge filtration and its refusal to allow non-accepted scientific thinking to be promoted. Like Wikipedia, they do not allow alternative scientific theories to be heard or printed. And that is NOT science. I would like to remind everyone that knowledge is always filtered and only those theories that fit pre-conceived ideas are accepted by mainstream science. It is up to you to do your own research to seek truth, and those truths are slowly being removed from the Internet in an attempt to keep that knowledge filtration on track. Soon there will be a major clampdown on alternative theories on the Internet, and it’s already starting with Facebook’s attempts to flag “fake news”… but that’s swaying from here!
The real Tutankhamun?
Here is the perfect example of my love / hate relationship with archaeology and science in general. Science is a fundamental tool which the human race needs, there is no doubt about that, but I have many an argument with people who believe science is the only tool worth using. This view comes from the stereotypical belief that the only two options are religion and science, and if religion is the only other option then non-religious people insist that science is the only truth available. Well that is simply an ignorance of the world around us.
Science has more flaws than I care to mention. In fact, there are so many I would put its followers in the same light as religious believers. When people believe that the laws of something are so perfect, when in fact they are not, then this is nothing more than ‘religious’ belief.
There are a million examples that I could draw on, but of course in this article we are talking about King Tutankhamun, the most famous of Egyptian Pharaohs, but certainly not the most interesting. Between ten and twenty years ago it was the absolute truth, through solid scientific evidence, that King Tut died from injuries sustained after falling off his chariot… Then around ten years ago new scientific evidence absolutely proved that King Tut was murdered due to a blow to the back of his head, the most likely culprit an official named Ay who succeeded King Tut to the throne. This meant an entire new story had to be created around the Eighteenth Dynasty family, starting with Tutankhamun’s father, Akhenaton, and his famous and stunningly beautiful wife, Nefertiti. For the record, King Tut was not the son of Nefertiti but was born of a lesser wife. Anyway, due to the defacing of Akhenaton’s statues and reliefs across Egypt after his death, and the subsequent abandonment of Amarna and return to Thebes, it was assumed, putting it all together, that the Royal house were all bumped off and Ay was the culprit. Poor Ay! Now, I never did like this “scientific fact” because I don’t believe King Tut would have had such a lavish burial if he was murdered and attempts made to eradicate the family from history. That just doesn’t make sense.
Now, here in this article, new scientific evidence has proven that…
Yes, you see the picture.
Scientific truth must always be taken with a pinch of salt. Now, we all know that water boils at 100 degrees Celsius and other experiments prove this and that. This is my love for science. But the other version is my hate for science – the way many scientists say this or that and promote it as fact, which is then taught to our children at school… and then is later completely disproven by a new finding and history lessons need to change again. But it doesn’t just happen with history.
I get a lot of abuse for this viewpoint but I shall not change it until scientists – not science – admit that often their findings are purely subjective guesswork based on loose evidence, and to stop teaching these findings to our children as fact. It should be taught to every child that science changes every day, as does evidence and the mind-boggling, often comical stories that are created to fit that evidence. And often scientists call those with bizarre theories ‘the lunatic fringe’. Pot and kettle? Science is not as objective as it scientists make it out to be. You only have to have the brain capacity of a hedgehog to understand that the scientific observer can never be objective because the human being will always imprint its subjective thoughts to any outcome, to the point that seemingly solid experiments can be altered to fit preconceived ideas, subconsciously or otherwise.
I love this image of King Tut in the article… but no doubt in ten years it will be scientifically ‘proven’ that he was a strong, well-built warrior Pharaoh who conquered the Nubian Kings and the Middle East…
Crete (Greece)
Is this the oldest CD-ROM ever found? It certainly operates like one!
This incredibly beautiful disc containing symbols that, for more than a hundred years have been completely unknown, have now been deciphered. Well, at least a few of them have.
The famous Phaistos Disc, found in 1908 in the town of the same name in Crete, has baffled scientists for more than a century.
Now though, Dr. Gareth Owens believes the disc was a prayer to the mother goddess of the Minoa…n culture.
If I tell you any more, it’ll be pointless reading the article..
Yet another Trypillian site has been found, this time in Nebelivka, Ukraine. Ukraine might not be on the top of everyone’s lips when it comes to ancient sites but being located across the Black Sea from Turkey, which contains the oldest sites found in the world thus far, it’s not so difficult to see how a 6,000-year-old culture developed. Dates for ancient sites are going back further and further each day and now, finally, the idea that we walked out of the fields and started building pyramids in Egypt can finally be buried in the sand.
Easter Island.
This is an astounding discovery because of one little fact that seems to be ignored during the article.
I am certainly of the opinion that the Americas were populated much earlier than science accepts thus far. But putting that argument aside for a moment, here it states that contact between Easter Islanders and the Americas happened long before any Europeans arrived on Easter Island.
It also states the most likely route would have been a trip from Easter Islan…d to South America AND back again, rather than South Americans reaching Easter Island, judging by the DNA markers.
Naturally, the thing that sticks out in my mind is how these people managed to pinpoint the exact location of their tiny island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean on their return journey…
However, the Polynesians were expert sea travellers long before the Europeans mastered the art, and I have always been of the opinion that South America was populated long before North America. Although this article states contact between Polynesians and South Americans occurred between 1300 and 1500 AD, I think it’s opening the doors to the realisation that the Polynesians were the first masters of the oceans.
Ancient Greece / Sicily.
The largest ever pottery workshop has been found in Selinunte, Sicily, more than half a mile in length! Dating from 550 BC, the area enjoyed nearly 150 of pottery, roof tile and terracotta idol making before the area was destroyed by the invading Carthaginians in 409 BC. No wonder there are so many pots lying around!
Not only are these looted treasures – oops sorry, archaeological finds – in La Almoloya some of the most exquisite, indicating a very important couple, but this is the oldest governmental building ever found in Europe. Let’s hope the peasants did the right thing and burnt it to the ground! Also included is the earliest known use of silver on a vessel ever found in Europe. The importance of this site cannot be underestimated. Unless of course you prefer a drink at your local bar and don’t care a hoot about any of it. 🙂