Pan god sanctuary found at Hippos

Posted On: Jul 30th, 2016 at 13:59

More “devil worship” – at least as far as those Jehovah’s Witnesses from my last report would be concerned – but Pan was the Greek pagan God of shepherds and flocks of animals. Sure, rituals around Pan involved drunken orgies but those were the days when sexual diseases were not fully understood! Damn, I missed the good times! 🙂
Naturally the Christian movement, and all sects that have split from it, consider these kinds of ritual as related to devil worship. In fact it is very likely that the devil, often appearing with goat-like features, was copied from Pan in an attempt to promote the idea of fidelity and marriage.
It’s sad and ironic that the monotheistic religions have actually created a messier world – pagan religions ensure that respect of nature ensues as each element of nature has a god attached to it – there was a mountain god, a river god, etc., and thus our ancestors respected the natural world. With the monotheistic god residing in the heavens and not on earth, a lack of respect for the earth means the abuse of the planet is now all too clear.
At Hippos in Israel, archaeologists have uncovered a sanctuary that was dedicated to the god Pan. Located just outside the city walls they found a large Roman gate, six metres high, that was previously the entrance to the sanctuary, dating the to time of the emperor Hadrian. With the large bronze mask of Pan that was also discovered there, it’s looking like the sanctuary was some kind of entrance to the world of the gods. The sanctuary most likely dates to the 3rd Century BC and, like most places, the Romans later added to these structures, and incorporated most of the Greek gods into their own Polytheistic religion.