Ohio’s Serpent Mound 1,400 years older than previously thought

Posted On: Jul 6th, 2016 at 18:47

United States
Serpent Mound in Ohio, arguably the most important Native American earthworks in the whole of North America, is now thought to be more than twice as old as previously thought.
Originally thought to date to 1070 AD, new evidence suggests it dates to at least 320 BC – 1,400 older than before.
I am absolutely not surprised by this new evidence because, as you probably know by now, I am convinced most sites in the Americas are much older than the dates given to them. The problem with any site is that they are dated using organic materials found at the sites, but burnt charcoal found under the earth at any given site, for example, does not provide the age of the site, only that human activity existed there at that time. Obviously science must be careful – one cannot guess the date of a site without evidence, but to give a definitive age based on organic materials, which is often the case, is bad science. All sites, unless there is documentary evidence of their age, must be stated at “thought to date to…”, not “does date to…”
Serpent Mound is a classic example of where books and history need to be rewritten… again.