It’s time – after thirty years of research I’m going public!

Posted On: Apr 29th, 2018 at 18:51

United States
Finally Graham Hancock’s research spanning many years is being vindicated by a minority of scientists who have actually bothered to follow up his theories with scientific research, unlike the majority who just bark out loud and dismiss him on the grounds that he’s not a welcomed member of the club and has no jurisdiction in either geology or archaeology.
I am an avid follower of Graham and his work and have been for many years, and it’s been clear to me from the beginning that he is correct in almost everything he has proposed. I am proud to say Graham has a copy of my book and has read parts of it (my claim to fame!); I have met him and had the most fascinating conversations with him. Graham is a man who is articulate and thorough in his speech and his work respectively, and his arguments are so persuasive it can only be an arrogant fool who dismisses him. and there have been many arrogant fools who have, many of them in prominent positions of power in the archaeological world.
So let’s try and nail this down into one brief paragraph:
Plato said that the ancient civilisation of Atlantis – a civilisation dismissed by mainstream scholars as a myth – was destroyed by massive floods in the distant past. But he also puts a date on this event – 9600 BC – and we also have flood myths in just about every ancient culture that has existed on planet earth. So it is a big surprise when we discover a) the Younger Dryas period ended in exactly 9600 BC, a time when sea levels around the world rose by 400 metres, an astronomical amount of water which caused worldwide devastation, and b) evidence of a comet impact at the beginning of the Younger Dryas in 10800 BC – the event that caused the Younger Dryas cooling and the extinction of much of the megafauna.
Graham’s theory is as simple as it is devastating – Plato’s description of Atlantis must be real and we are missing the biggest chapter in human history that would alter everything we know.
Graham Hancock has single-handedly turned the history of our species totally on its head, and he also proves that our ancestors were not bumbling idiots who wrote stories down just for fun. The war is not over yet, for it’s only now that some scientists are mustering up the courage to go against the grain and actually back Graham’s ideas up with solid science.
We – that is those of us fighting against the utter bullshit rhetoric pummelled into our brains on a daily basis about our ancient past, much of which I write about here – are ridiculed and abused at every opportunity. While I am not on the same pedestal as a man like Graham Hancock, I am certainly singing from the same hymn sheet, and this year, after thirty years of research, I am going to start doing public talks on these subjects and produce my findings. While Graham is sadly turning into an old man, it’s up to those of us next in line to carry on the fight.
Watch out world, I’m coming!