Ignorant, inadequate and unjustified conclusions once again…
Posted On: Aug 11th, 2016 at 12:27
United States
I must be in one of those moods this week, constantly ridiculing and trying to reinvent archaeology all by myself but, seriously, it’s almost beyond a joke now.
Here’s a quote from this article:
“From everything we’re seeing, we’re very certain it was some sort of ceremonial location. The fact we found no human burials, we found no evidence of mortuary treatment or mortuary ceremonialism — this site really stands out because we really didn’t find any direct evidence of that,” Redmond said. “So it’s a different kind of ceremonialism, a ritualism related to the living — it represents that these people had a rich ceremonial life, a religious life, that wasn’t just involved in burying people.”
I am so sick and tired of this nonsense. If it cannot be explained it’s always “some sort of ceremonial” thing. All skeletons with weird injuries are stated as “must have been a ritual killing”. The facts are these explanations are borne out of the fact that we simply do not understand what our ancestors were doing or what they were trying to convey because we are not looking at them in the correct way – we are looking at them from a modern scientific mind and not trying to understand it from their mind or their philosophy. The archaeologists are taught at university that these things are “ritualistic” in some form or another, so what they do is simply regurgitate those words without actually thinking about it for themselves or coming up with new explanations. I am getting seriously bored of this and tired of this continuous nonsense from mainstream archaeology and science in general. I would much rather they were honest and say, “We don’t know what was going on here”, rather than just guessing and saying this nonsense about “ritual sites”. It’s happening all over the world with so many sites and it is utterly ridiculous. Yes, I’ve said this before, I know.
Most of the time these ideas are driven by preconceived and idiotic conclusions that our ancestors were primitive farmers or hunter gatherers who were trying to understand the stars and measure the seasons. If you are going to take that viewpoint then you will never understand what they were doing, you will always think you are more clever than they were, and you will always come to conclusion that their thinking was based on primitive notions which are based on outdated ideas that were laid down during the arrogant times of the Victorian era; a time when all ancient history was considered to have come from the brains of stupid idiots who struggled to figure out how many days were in the solar year, and they needed to make massive stone monuments just to track the movements of the sun and the moon. To do that you actually need a few sticks stuck into the ground, so any idiot can tell you these ancient sites had a much more advanced purpose. If you take the correct standpoint – that more often than not our ancestors were far more advanced than we are, then you will come to far different conclusions and we will gain a better understanding of the past and where we come from.
I read an article the other day – the link is below – where a stone was found at Mycenae. This stone was not native to the area or in any way similar to the stone used to build the city. So what is the archaeologists conclusion? The stone must have been a part of the throne seat of the famous king Agamemnon! What? I mean, seriously, how do you come to that conclusion? I would like there to be set up an archaeology court, whereby all findings must go through a system of jurisdiction based on the evidence available and the conclusions made by the archaeologists. I can guarantee you that 90% of these conclusions would be thrown out of court, complete with laughter and ridicule. I have no idea how these archaeologists get away with it, and worse still are the media fools who recite a good story rather than doing their job and actually ask genuine questions about what has really been found.
Hopefully I shall be back to reporting on some real genuine findings sooner rather than later, but right now all I seem to be coming across are jokes. How on earth do these people keep their jobs?