If I hear the term “ritual” one more time…
Posted On: May 13th, 2018 at 11:31
Honestly, I’m going to explode.
From my book, “The Evolution”:
“My best guess is that this was a religious temple of some kind, but then the term ‘religious temple’ is used by archaeologists as a cop-out when we don’t know what a structure was used for.”
The same can be applied to the term “ritual” to explain anything that can’t be explained. It’s more than a cop-out – it’s lazy and it’s dishonest.
So here’s a story for you.
Somewhere in the Mayan heartland in 765 AD, four friends had the awful job of burying people, whether they died naturally, of disease, or perhaps on rare occasions they were sacrificed. I say rare because the Maya were nowhere near as barbaric as their neighbours, the Mexica (Aztec), even though in 765 AD the Mexica culture never even existed. On this particular night they had a bit too much of the local brew, on top of the small amount of hallucinogenic plants that grow in the jungle.
Totally rat-arsed they decided, just for a laugh, to mess around with the burials. Some bodies were given extra bones. Some bodies had their arms removed. And some of them were placed in such a way that their arms were linked together. The four friends laughed all the way through the night, but in reality it was just a way of masking the horrible job they had to carry out.
That explanation is just as valid, in fact even more valid, than this stupid and pathetic “ritual” excuse that archaeologists and scientists keep coming up with. It’s simple – if you can’t explain it it remains unexplained.
All these stupid reports of ritual are doing is placing in the minds of modern people that our ancestors were so primitive, everything they did was based around a ritual because they were so superstitious they ran indoors and hid under a table every time a thunderstorm approached. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is something that I am going to be bringing up in my talks at Avebury very soon.
It’s time to change the attitude of archaeologists once and for all.