Human arrival in Australia 80,000 years earlier than thought

Posted On: Dec 16th, 2015 at 18:32

I was engaged last night in an argument about Darwinism on an archaeology forum.
My position is I am not convinced by the Darwinistic model of evolution, and the argument formulated from an article which stated a study of primates suggests we evolved certain sleeping patterns. I pointed out that in no way can studying primate behaviour say anything about human sleeping patterns, and that this was simply bad science.
Suffice to say I came under immediate attack from the Darwinist corner, sadly some of it abusive (from those who clearly do not have an evolved brain), and amid that argument I put forward my case that I am not convinced that Man left Africa and then spread around the world – I believe we “evolved” in different areas around the world, independent of the African line.
Putting that argument aside, this finding in Australia will go some way to backing up my ideas, and certainly will utterly transform the ancient history of Australia.
It proves, if anything, that our understanding of human evolution is completely and utterly flawed. Already the idea Man left Africa 50,000 years ago has been put back to 100,000 years in the light of hominin remains being found over the world that date long before 50,000 years ago. Well, now they’ll have to put it back to 150,000 years after this finding in Australia.
The “Man left Africa” theory is simply dissolving in the Great Barrier Reef as we speak…