Has the Phaistos Disc finally revealed its secrets?
Posted On: Nov 12th, 2017 at 00:24
Greece (Crete)
Dr. Gareth Owens had been working alongside Professor John Coleman for six years trying to decipher the Phaistos disc. Coleman, an Oxford university professor of phonetics, and Owens, an expert on the Minoan language, combined forces to solve the riddle of the disc.
Found nearly 110 years ago the Phaistos disc has baffled many but in more recent years, and through the work of Coleman and Owens, it’s thought to contain a written ritual or prayer to a ‘mother goddess’. Not only that, but their combined efforts have now deciphered 90% of the disc – or so they say – the errors that both researchers had made individually had been resolved through their combined research, and now we can see the language on the Phaistos disc is that of both Minoan Linear A and Mycenaean Linear B.
However, the problem with this idea, and thus the ridicule that has ensued is that Minoan Linear A, rather like the Indus Valley script, is yet to be deciphered. Owens and Coleman argue, however, that other findings can prove what certain symbols mean by using the Mycenaean Linear B version since the same symbols also appear in the Minoan Linear A language.
To me it appears they are pretty close to a complete decipherment of the disc.
The video in this article, recorded in 2014, contains a spoken version of the poem to the mother goddess written on the disc, as deciphered by Coleman and Owens.
It is truly a profound and moving experience.
It really does sound as if our ancestors are reaching out to us across history and talking to us.
If you want to avoid the talk and go straight to the prayer then start the video at 18:00 minutes.