Game changer – “marble pyramid” blows the lid off ancient Greek history
Posted On: Jul 13th, 2019 at 07:36
On a small islet, Dhaskalio, in the Aegean, archaeologists have been working for four years on what has turned out to be “the largest prehistoric marine transport operation that has ever come to light anywhere in the world”.
The date – 2200 BC.
This has profound implications for several reasons:
Firstly, during that time Greece was in the Aegean Bronze Age, also known as the Helladic Period, which dates from 3200 to 1000 BC approx. While the dates have fluctuated +/- 50 or 100 years here and there, the profound element is that these marble structures were built right at the end of the Early Helladic, which ended around 2100 BC. It was around 2200 BC – the time of the marble pyramid – that Greece saw huge changes in the influx of Indo-Europeans, and also bronze and copper tools.
Secondly, the first great culture or civilisation that appeared on the Greek mainland was that of the Mycenaeans, which rose to prominence with great fortified citadels at the beginning of the late Helladic, around 1600 BC. In fact, the Late Helladic period is also known as Mycenaean, the entire Helladic period ending when Mycenaean culture declined. It is clear that the Mycenaean civilisation was hugely influenced by Crete, and that much of their artwork was either imported from there or were replications of Cretan artwork. Therefore, the prevailing theory has been that the rise of mainland Greece was secondary to the Minoans, and that the Minoans were the first great civilisation anywhere in modern-day Greece.
Thirdly, and this is the big one, no one anywhere has found any organised structures such as these during the time period in question. Not only did this occur on a tiny island, but the organisation, engineering, and effort required to carry out such a monumental task suggests clearly that we are missing a huge part of Greek history. In other words, this site could not have been the first of its kind. The history changing element of this discovery is that these people, whoever they were, and according to the article, now shift the origins of ancient Greece history towards this tiny islet and away from Crete and the Minoans. Basically, a lost culture and an entirely new part of history has been discovered.
When you consider that Ancient Egypt was still in the Old Kingdom during this time period, or that Stonehenge was first built, one must ask pertinent questions about the level of artistry employed at this site. It’s one thing to build marble structures in the place where the marble is located, it’s another thing entirely to transport that marble across often dangerous seas to another location, and build structures there.
I could write an entire book about this issue so I’ll stop right there. If you know anything about history in that area, then you will understand how profound a change this brings to Greek history, and it now has to be reorganised and reinvented.