**Breaking News** 23,000-year-old human artefacts found in Brazil
Posted On: Sep 7th, 2017 at 18:41
**Breaking News**
Well, I told you so! 🙂
Here we go again with more evidence, this time in eastern Brazil. Human artefacts dating to 23,000 years ago and found inland, a very significant piece of evidence and a total smack in the face for the Bering Straight theory. Or if the Bering Straight idea is the correct one, we have to push the time barrier back to at least 30,000 years. But my bets are either on a sea-faring people landing in south America, or even we may find a separate evolution of man on this continent – the further the date goes back, we either have to accept that man was boating his way around earth for a very very long time or, as I as stated in my book, humans evolved on different continents without contact with one another.