Yet another theory of Stonehenge!
Posted On: Mar 25th, 2015 at 20:44
I’m back!
More on my recent investigative trip around the Greco-Roman / Lycian ruins of western and southern Turkey later, but for now it’s back to the usual posts.
I’ve said before and I’ll keep saying it – it seems a new theory about Stonehenge is put forward every week, but I honestly believe most researchers and archaeologists are only looking at a part of the story when it comes to many sites, and in particular Stonehenge. Why? Because there are aspects of human behaviour and / or technology that is being completely ignored and until so-called experts start incorporating these ideas into their investigations we’ll be scratching our heads for many years to come. One of those examples is the use of hallucinogenic substances and how they shaped our ancestors religious and technological ideas. In other words, the use of these substances and their effects may be the sole purpose behind such building projects, or at least a major factor in their meaning. If we only look at solid artefacts, for example, we may never know what was really going on. Our modern social norms are stopping us from understanding a lot more about our ancestors.
This article has some lovely photos.