What horrors did the British mete out to Indian prisoners on Ross Island?
Posted On: Aug 2nd, 2018 at 14:47
India / Andaman Islands
The brutality from British rule in India is rarely exposed in western sources, and certainly not taught in schools, but the British were responsible for the deaths of millions of Indians during their control of this vast and beautiful country.
The legacy of British rule has left positive traces all over India – the railways, educational establishments and cricket are the three most notable – but underlying this development and modern living lies a trail of brutality, racism and murder on a scale probably never seen before. It’s that scale, measured in staggering numbers, which makes the crimes of Pol Pot look like a playground argument, and the man himself a near saint. Am I exaggerating? No, some Indian sources put the number of deaths of Indians at the hands of the British in the tens of millions, and during droughts the British would steal crops from the local farmers, leaving millions of them and their families to starve to death. India’s history is utterly horrifying on a scale that we cannot imagine.
This article shows how the British used their prisoners. No doubt many of them on Ross Island were tortured and murdered on this remote island. This story is the tip of the iceberg, but of course once again it’s just a western article that fails to recognise the mass genocide carried out by the British Empire in India.