Kennewick Man IS a Native American!

Posted On: Jul 6th, 2015 at 14:18

United States
The long-running saga of my favourite Native American – Kennewick Man – continues.
Now we appear to have conclusive evidence that Kennewick Man was a Native American, and not related to the Polynesians or Japanese as some, including myself, have previously suggested. Earlier DNA tests suggested he was most likely Native American but no real conclusions could be made. In fact, last time around, no one had any idea. Now the proof is conclusive – Kennewick Man is mostly related to those in the Pacific Northwest, so that would be the Oregon / Washington State area. He had travelled a long way south if he had been born there, but the fact he lived on a diet of fish would now make sense.
The interesting thing is that Kennewick Man is also related to the oldest known skeleton ever found in the Americas – the badly named Anzick-1 – who was fond in Montana and is considered to be from what we call the “Clovis People”.
This situation is somewhat confused by these facts. The impression is that all ancient Native Americans can be related to each other, suggesting that they all belong to the same group – the same band of people who first crossed the land bridge into North America some time before 14,000 years ago – but that theory is flawed. No doubt some archaeologists will use this to back up their argument that the Clovis-first theory is clearly evident. However, ancient DNA is such that if you and I – I’m referring to other British people – decided to be DNA tested, it is more than likely we would genetically have the same close relation. We need to be careful with the words here – Kennewick Man is “relatively closely related to” the Anzick Boy, not “related to” him.
Either way, the Native Americans will now demand the return of their “ancient one” so he can be reburied.