Deciphering the Indus script

Posted On: Apr 13th, 2015 at 14:38

Indus culture (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, India).
The unknown language of the Indus culture, contemporaneous with Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia but four times larger than both, has baffled scientists since the first excavations took place in north-western India. The Indus culture covered what is now the entire land of Pakistan, parts of Afghanistan, Iran and most of north-western India. Although the language has remained undeciphered Sanskrit, the still used but rare ancient Indian language and the mother of the modern Hindi language, is a descendent of the Indo-Aryan language group. The Indo-Aryan language group is the mother language of the Indo-European group. The Indo-European language group is the mother of all of our European languages, including Latin, Greek, French, Italian, Spanish and English. Deciphering the Indus language is imperative in understanding where the language is placed in the family tree of languages and will become the discovery of the century when it actually occurs. This interesting video suggests that may occur sooner rather than later, using computer technology. My guess is the Indus language was a sister of Sanskrit, but we shall see. I would be surprised if they were unrelated despite the incredible differences between how they appear.
This video is a TED talk. I would like to point out that I do not promote TED in any way whatsoever due to its knowledge filtration and its refusal to allow non-accepted scientific thinking to be promoted. Like Wikipedia, they do not allow alternative scientific  theories to be heard or printed. And that is NOT science. I would like to remind everyone that knowledge is always filtered and only those theories that fit pre-conceived ideas are accepted by mainstream science. It is up to you to do your own research to seek truth, and those truths are slowly being removed from the Internet in an attempt to keep that knowledge filtration on track. Soon there will be a major clampdown on alternative theories on the Internet, and it’s already starting with Facebook’s attempts to flag “fake news”… but that’s swaying from here!