All our ancestors used drugs. Science, get over it!
Posted On: May 9th, 2015 at 19:54
A very interesting discovery suggests a ritual centre for divination and prediction was used in Armenia, dating to around 1300 BC.
Three different chambers have been identified and each one used a contrasting method for prediction.
One quote in the article reads:
“During divination practices, the rulers and diviners may have burnt some form of substances and drank wine, allowing them to experience “altered” states of mind, the archaeologists say.”
Again we have this reluctance to accept that all our ancestors used hallucinogenic substances for these purposes, most likely due to modern social norms. This quote suggests they “drank wine” and “burnt some form of substances”. Maybe they did, but I can guarantee they were also using other substances, and these would have been the main element in their prediction. Alcohol actually blocks spiritual insight, not enhances it, so it probably had another function if it was used in the rituals. Scientists even think the Oracle of Delphi made predictions by some form of natural gas that was escaping from the earth below the place where her predictions were made, causing her to hallucinate! Do me a lemon! Only a potato would believe that idea.
In my book I make it clear that hallucinogenic substances were not just an unusual aspect of religious practices, but were likely to have been used on a very regular basis, both for leisure and religion. I also advocate the idea that many ancient sites, like Stonehenge, were built with some of these elements in mind. In other words, some sites may have been built with the consumption of hallucinogenic substances as an intended part of their use.
Another article, which I shall attach below, is a study by an archaeologist who now proposes the world wide use of substances in all cultures. I wonder how many more decades it will be before the scientific community wakes up and accepts this as an obvious facet of our past?